Purchasing & Contract Compliance
Requested Action
Request approval of an Ordinance to amend Fulton County Code of Ordinances, Part I (Local Constitutional Amendments and Local Acts), Subpart B (Code of Resolutions), Chapter 102 (Administration), Article V (Purchases and Contracts), Division 8 (Nondiscrimination in Purchasing and Contracting), Section 102-441.2 (Sunset Provision), to extend the expiration date of said Nondiscrimination Program from January 1, 2025 through June 30, 2025 to allow completion of the Final Report. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA)
Requirement for Board Action
In accordance with Article XI, Section II, Paragraph I of the Georgia Constitution, the governing authority of Fulton County is authorized to adopt clearly reasonable ordinances relating to its property, affairs and local government.
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Summary & Background
Ordinance 19-0854 was adopted by the Fulton County Board of Commissioners on November 20, 2019, based on the findings of the Disparity Study and the County’s commitment to non-discrimination and equal opportunity in contracting. The Ordinance amended the Fulton County Purchasing Code to improve the County’s “Non-Discrimination in Purchasing and Contracting” policy by ensuring that it contains narrowally tailored equal opportunity measures in County contracting.
In 2023, the County commissioned its most recent disparity study. The study period is from 2018 through 2022.
This request is to amend Fulton County Code of Ordinances Part I, Subpart B, Chapter 102, Article V, Purchasing Code Section 102-441.2 to extend the sunset period from January 1, 2025, to June 30, 2025, in order to complete the Disparity Study. Due to the Cyber Incident and the issues with the County’s ERP System, Purchasing has been unable to provide critical data needed from the system to provide the required data to the Consultant and to confirm data. The additional time was needed to ensure the County’s ERP System was fully restored and required data was provided to the Consultant. The Consultant has been working feverishly to complete the report, but due to the volume of data, additional time is needed in order to complete the final report and submit it to the County. Once submitted, this extension will allow adequate time for the County Attorney’s Office and the Department of Purchasing & Contract Compliance to review and discuss any findings and resultant recommendations.
Exhibits Attached
Exhibit 1: Ordinance
Contact Information title
Felicia Strong-Whitaker, Chief Purchasing Agent, Purchasing & Contract Compliance, (404) 612-4210