Arts and Culture
Requested Action (Identify appropriate Action or Motion, purpose, cost, timeframe, etc.)
Request approval of a Resolution approving an Intergovernmental Agreement (“Agreement”) between Fulton County, Georgia and the City of Johns Creek, Georgia to create a Selection Panel and to commission artwork from the steel material used to construct the historic Rogers Bridge; authorizing the Chairman to execute the Agreement as to form and to make necessary modifications thereof prior to execution. Effective upon approval of both Fulton County and City of Johns Creek and to continue for two (2) years. (APPROVED)
Requirement for Board Action (Cite specific Board policy, statute or code requirement)
The Constitution of the State of Georgia provides, in Article IX, Section III, Paragraph I,
Subparagraph I, Subparagraph (a), that any county or municipality of the State of Georgia may contract for any period not exceeding 50 years, with each other or with any other public agency, public corporation, or public authority for the provision of services, or for the joint or separate use of facilities or equipment when such contracts deal with activities, services, or facilities which the contracting parties are authorized by law to undertake or provide.
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Summary & Background (First sentence includes Agency recommendation. Provide an executive summary of the action that gives an overview of the relevant details for the item.)
Scope of Work: In December 2019 the County and the City entered an Intergovernmental Agreement, along with the City of Duluth and Gwinnett County, for the replacement of the historic Rogers Bridge (BOC Item# 19-0986). As part of the creation of the new bridge and public walking trail over the Chattahoochee River, the historic bridge was removed in October 2021. The County and the City desire to partner in the creation of public art by one or more artist/s to ensure the steel from the bridge, a critical part of Fulton County and Johns Creek history, is preserved and enjoyed by future generations. The Department, through the Public Art Program will lead the public art selection process with the support of the City and the selection panel.
The process to commission the artist/s will use the Department’s standard process and the Board will be presented with a recommendation in October/November 2022 (tentatively) to enter into a contract with the successful artist/s.
The Fulton County Board of Commissioners has allocated $150,000.00 towards the creation of public art from the historic Rogers Bridge steel as part of the County’s adopted Fiscal Year 2022 Budget. The City of Johns Creek has allocated $50,000.00 of Tourism Product Development funds for the creation of public art from historic Rogers Bridge steel as part of the City’s Fiscal Year 2022 Budget.
This agreement re-affirms the County’s commitment to the project and outlines the process by which artwork will be commissioned and the roles and responsibilities of the County and City.
Key points of the IGA include:
• The term of the IGA is 2 years, however, the artist is expected to be appointed by the end of 2022.
• The selection panel will consist of 2 voting members, one elected official from the County and one elected official from the City. Non-voting members will consist of key community arts stakeholders in Johns Creek, Department of Arts and Culture staff and staff from the City of Johns Creek.
• Once the primary artwork is commissioned, the County will need to enter into a new IGA for the long-term maintenance of the artwork.
• Some of the smaller artwork commissioned through this process may be located on County property.
Community Impact: The artwork/s commissioned as part of this project will ensure that the historic bridge lives on, albeit in another form, for the enjoyment of future generations.
Department Recommendation: The Department of Arts and Culture recommends approval of the resolution to approve the partnership between Fulton County and the City of Johns Creek.
Project Implications: The approval of the Intergovernmental Agreement is critical to the success of the creation of the public art commission.
Community Issues/Concerns: Arts and Culture staff are not aware of any issues / concerns.
Department Issues/Concerns: Arts and Culture staff are not aware of any issues / concerns.