Department for HIV Elimination
Requested Action (Identify appropriate Action or Motion, purpose, cost, timeframe, etc.)
Request approval to extend existing “Ending the HIV Epidemic” service contracts for a three-month period from March 1, 2025, through May 31, 2025, and, subject to federal funding, amend existing contracts to increase the spending authority of “Ending the HIV Epidemic” subrecipients in the amount of $836,630.00 pursuant to the Health Resources and Services Administration “Ending the HIV Epidemic” award UT8HA3393. Contracts are 100% grant funded with no Fulton County match. Request authorization for the Chairman to execute contracts with subrecipients. To protect the interest of the County, the County Attorney is authorized to approve the contracts as to form and make any necessary modifications thereto prior to execution by the Chairman. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA)
Requirement for Board Action (Cite specific Board policy, statute or code requirement)
O.C.G.A. § 36-10-1 requires all official contracts entered by the County governing authority with other persons on behalf of the County be in writing and entered on its minutes.
Strategic Priority Area related to this item (If yes, note strategic priority area below)
Health and Human Services
Commission Districts Affected
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Summary & Background (First sentence includes Agency recommendation. Provide an executive summary of the action that gives an overview of the relevant details for the item.)
Scope of Work: The Department for HIV Elimination recommends approval of a three-month contract extension and increased spending authority in the amount of $836,630 “Ending the HIV Epidemic” selected subrecipients to provide HIV care and support services using 100% “Ending the HIV Epidemic” grant funds with no required County match. “Ending the HIV Epidemic” has a project period from 3/1/2025 through 2/28/2030. The Board of Commissioners previously approved the acceptance of “Ending the HIV Epidemic” grant funding through #24-0586 (9/18/24). Subrecipients were recommended by a Review Committee pursuant to RFP: 21RFPRW0708B-EC. By extending contracts and increasing the spending authority of “Ending the HIV Epidemic” agencies, the Department for HIV Elimination will be able to ensure the uninterrupted provision of services while completing the vendor selection process for the remainder of FY2025 through February 28, 2030, pursuant to RFP 24RFP1343702B-PS. These agencies provide core medical services and essential support services for medically indigent Persons Living with HIV in Fulton, Cobb, DeKalb, and Gwinnett Counties. Increased spending authority would allow access to funds as follows:
Community Impact: Ending the HIV Epidemic funding supports essential care and support services for Persons Living with HIV (PLWH) in the targeted counties to decrease the number of new HIV cases. Populations of Focus are African American Men, African American Men who Have Sex with Men, African American Women, Transgender Men and Women. Funds will support the provision of medical services and supportive services such as case management, housing, provision of food and initiative projects. All services have as their main goal increased viral suppression rates.
Department Recommendation: The Department for HIV Elimination recommends approval of increased spending authority for “Ending the HIV Epidemic” grant subrecipient’s in the amount of $836,630 in FY25 for the period March 1, 2025 - May 31, 2025.
Project Implications: No change in County budget. These contracts are 100% grant-funded with no County match.
Community Issues/Concerns: Were contracts not to be extended, and funding levels increased, there would be a period of time during which “Ending the HIV Epidemic” core medical and support services would cease.
Department Issues/Concerns: Were funds not to be increased, and the contract period not extended, there would be an interruption of core medical and support services for Persons Living with HIV in Fulton, Cobb, DeKalb, and Gwinnett Counties.
Fiscal Impact / Funding Source
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