File #: 25-0105    Version: 1 Name:
Type: CM Action Item - Health and Human Services Status: Passed
File created: 11/15/2024 In control: Board of Commissioners
On agenda: 2/5/2025 Final action: 2/5/2025
Title: Request approval of the lowest responsible bidder - Public Works, 24ITB092324K-CRB, Tree Trimming in an amount not to exceed $130,604.00 with Good Choice X-pert Tree Services, LLC (Stockbridge, GA), to provide tree trimming and vegetation clearing services at the specified water distributions facilities. Effective from issuance of the Notice To Proceed (NTP) for 120 calendar days for final completion of the work. (APPROVED)
Attachments: 1. EPD Sanitary Survey, 2. Bid Tabulation Sheet_24ITB092324K-CRB, 3. Department Memorandum

Public Works


Request approval of the lowest responsible bidder - Public Works, 24ITB092324K-CRB, Tree Trimming in an amount not to exceed $130,604.00 with Good Choice X-pert Tree Services, LLC (Stockbridge, GA), to provide tree trimming and vegetation clearing services at the specified water distributions facilities. Effective from issuance of the Notice To Proceed (NTP) for 120 calendar days for final completion of the work. (APPROVED)

In accordance with Purchasing Code Section 102-373, all competitive sealed bids of more than $100,000 shall be forwarded to the Board of Commissioners for approval.

STRATEGIC PRIORITY AREA RELATED TO THIS ITEM (If yes, note strategic priority area below)
Health and Human Services

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District 1 ?
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District 6 ?


SUMMARY & BACKGROUND: The Public Works Department recommends approval of this item. EPD conducted an inspection of the water distribution facilities in North Fulton and determined that some of the sites were not in compliance with current Safe Drinking Water Act requirements. Specifically, the fence line surrounding the water storage tanks & pump stations at Freemanville Road, Hackett Road, Jones Bridge Road, and other locations needs to be cleared of vegetation and overgrowth that might compromise the Department's ability to prevent unauthorized entry, sabotage, and vandalism.

Scope of Work: Good Choice X-pert Tree Services, LLC will be responsible for clearing all tree limbs/branches that overhang the exterior fence line within 25' of the ground. The contractor will also be responsible for trimming or removing all unwanted vegetation from the sites, including areas that may be located within detention ponds, and for mowing the grasses areas at each location. All trees larger than 3 inches in diameter will remai...

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