Real Estate and Asset Management
REQUESTED ACTION (Identify appropriate Action or Motion, purpose, cost, timeframe, etc.)
Request approval of a Resolution approving a Neighborhood Service Center Lease between the City of Atlanta (Lessor) and Fulton County (Lessee) for the use of approximately 5,237 rentable square feet of office space at 215 Lakewood Way, S.E., Atlanta, Georgia, at the fixed monthly rental rate of $4,800.58 for the initial lease term commencing January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024, with two (2) consecutive one-year automatic renewal options, for continued use as a replacement facility for senior services previously provided at the Bethlehem Senior Center; to authorize the Chairman to execute the Lease agreement and related documents; to authorize the County Attorney to approve the Lease agreement as to form prior to execution by the Chairman. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA)
REQUIREMENT FOR BOARD ACTION (Cite specific Board policy, statute or code requirement)
According to O.C.G.A. ? 36-60-13, each County or municipality in this state shall be authorized to enter into multiyear lease, purchase, or lease purchase contracts of all kinds for the acquisition of goods, materials, real and personal property, services and supplies.
STRATEGIC PRIORITY AREA RELATED TO THIS ITEM (If yes, note strategic priority area below)
Open and Responsible Government
All Districts ?
District 1 ?
District 2 ?
District 3 ?
District 4 ?
District 5 ?
District 6 ?
SUMMARY & BACKGROUND (First sentence includes Agency recommendation. Provide an executive summary of the action that gives an overview of the relevant details for the item.)
Scope of Work: Approval of the Fulton County Board of Commissioner is being requested to extend the lease term for the Fulton County Department of Aging and Youth Services at 215 Lakewood Avenue, Atlanta, Georgia. The current...
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