Requested Action (Identify appropriate Action or Motion, purpose, cost, timeframe, etc.)
The Arts Council shall be composed of fifteen (15) residents of the county. Initially, each member of the Board of Commissioners shall appoint two persons to serve on the council, one person to serve for a one-year term and one person to serve a two-year term. No term of any member shall extend beyond the term of the District Commissioner who appointed the member to serve on the Arts Council Board; thereafter, each year, each member of the Board of Commissioners shall appoint one member for a two-year term. Each member may continue to serve beyond his/her term until replaced. The Chairman of the Arts Council shall be appointed to a two-year term by a majority vote of the Board of Commissioners. The Council shall elect a vice-Chairman and a secretary from its membership.
Term = 2 years
Term below expired: 12/31/2024
Nikki D. Crump (Pitts)
Chairman Pitts has nominated Nikki D. Crump for a District reappointment to a term ending December 31, 2026.