Real Estate and Asset Management
REQUESTED ACTION (Identify appropriate Action or Motion, purpose, cost, timeframe, etc.)
Request approval of a Sewer Easement Dedication of 7,381.31 square feet to Fulton County, a political subdivision of the State of Georgia, from SV Ventures, LLC, for the purpose of constructing the Bedrock Estates Project at 420 Hardscrabble Road, Alpharetta, Georgia 30075. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA)
REQUIREMENT FOR BOARD ACTION (Cite specific Board policy, statute or code requirement)
According to Article XXXIV. - Development Regulations, 34.4.1 Land disturbance permit prerequisites.
STRATEGIC PRIORITY AREA RELATED TO THIS ITEM (If yes, note strategic priority area below)
Open and Responsible Government
All Districts ?
District 1 ?
District 2 ?
District 3 ?
District 4 ?
District 5 ?
District 6 ?
SUMMARY & BACKGROUND (First sentence includes Agency recommendation. Provide an executive summary of the action that gives an overview of the relevant details for the item.)
Scope of Work: The proposed Bedrock Estates Project, a residential development, requires a connection to the County's sewer system. Fulton County development regulations require that all new sewer service line connections acknowledge Fulton County's ownership interests in the area(s) in which a connection is being made to the County's sewer system before issuing a Land Disturbance Permit. The easement area to be conveyed to the County consists of 7,381.31 square feet in Land Lot 316 of the 1st District, 2nd Section of Fulton County, Georgia.
Community Impact: The community will benefit from the extension of the County's sewer system and the addition of a residential development.
Department Recommendation: The Department of Real Estate and Asset Management recommends acceptance of the easement dedication.
Project Implications: Easement dedications by the own...
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