Arts and Culture
REQUESTED ACTION (Identify appropriate Action or Motion, purpose, cost, timeframe, etc.)
Request approval of a Change in Award from Orchestra Noir to Q. Parker Legacy Foundation for the purpose of awarding funding in the total amount of $15,000.00 (Non-recurring) Approved by the Board of Commissioners Agenda Item 23-0044 FY2023 Final Adopted Budget Line J. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA)
REQUIREMENT FOR BOARD ACTION (Cite specific Board policy, statute or code requirement)
Pursuant to O.C.G.A. ? 36-1-19.1 and O.C.G.A. ? 36-10-1, the Board of Commissioners has exclusive jurisdiction over its affairs and may make charitable contributions in the form of contracts for services, with such contracts to be in writing and spread on the minutes
STRATEGIC PRIORITY AREA RELATED TO THIS ITEM (If yes, note strategic priority area below)
Arts and Libraries
All Districts ?
District 1 ?
District 2 ?
District 3 ?
District 4 ?
District 5 ?
District 6 ?
SUMMARY & BACKGROUND (First sentence includes Agency recommendation. Provide an executive summary of the action that gives an overview of the relevant details for the item.)
Scope of Work: The Fulton County Department of Arts and Culture recommends the approval of a Change in Award from Orchestra Noir that appears on the January 18, 2023 post agenda minutes, Agenda Item 23-0044, FY 2023 Final Adopted Budget, Line J
Community Impact: Music Education services are provided on a scheduled basis for the benefit of Fulton County citizens and visitors
Department Recommendation: Approval of a Change in Award from Orchestra Noir to the Q. Parker Foundation in the amount of $15,000 for artistic programming.
Project Implications: Ensure community education and participation in arts and culture matters throughout Fulton County
Community Issues/Concerns: No issues/concerns have been raised by constituents or client...
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