Public Works
REQUESTED ACTION (Identify appropriate Action or Motion, purpose, cost, timeframe, etc.)
Request approval of the lowest responsible bidder - Department of Public Works, 24ITB1335637A-JWT Sanitary Sewer Easement Maintenance in an amount not to exceed $382,764.50 with Mariani Enterprises, LLC dba Ed Castro Landscape, Inc., (Roswell, GA) to provide easement maintenance in both the North and South Fulton service areas. Effective upon BOC approval through December 31, 2025, with two renewal options.
REQUIREMENT FOR BOARD ACTION (Cite specific Board policy, statute or code requirement)
In accordance with Purchasing Code Section 102-373, all competitive sealed bids of more than $100,000 shall be forwarded to the Board of Commissioners for approval.
STRATEGIC PRIORITY AREA RELATED TO THIS ITEM (If yes, note strategic priority area below)
Health and Human Services
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District 1 ?
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District 5 ?
District 6 ?
SUMMARY & BACKGROUND: The Department of Public Works recommends award of this contract to Mariani Enterprises, LLC dba Ed Castro Landscape, Inc. to provide easement maintenance in both the North and South Fulton service areas.
Scope of Work: This contract includes both sewer and water easement clearing activities in the North Fulton water and wastewater systems and sewer easement clearing activities along the South Fulton wastewater system on property owned or within easements maintained by Fulton County.
Community Impact: Easement clearing activities may impact surrounding neighborhoods because the activities usually result in the removal of trees and shrubs that interfere with access to the infrastructure that is located in the County's easement.
Department Recommendation: The Department of Public Works recommends approval.
Project Implications: Easement-clearing activities are needed to provide the County with...
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