Requested Action (Identify appropriate Action or Motion, purpose, cost, timeframe, etc.)
The Board of Commissioners has four appointees, pursuant to HB 885 (2016) and Georgia Code Section 31-3-2 (2016). Fulton County appointments are as follows: One member shall be the chief executive officer of the governing authority of the County and shall serve as a member while holding their offices as chief executive officer of the governing authority of the County. One member to be appointed by the governing authority of the County shall be a physician actively practicing in the County; however, the governing authority may appoint a person licensed as a nurse or dentist under Chapter 26 or 11 of Title 43, or any other person having a familiarity with and concern for the provision of medical services in the County. One member to be appointed by the governing authority of the County shall be a consumer, a representative of a consumer, or a person from an advocacy agency or group, which member will represent on the Board the County’s consumers of health services. And one member to be appointed by the governing authority of the County shall be a consumer member who will represent on the Board the County’s needy, underprivileged, or elderly community. Initial terms are staggered. After these initial terms, members appointed shall take office the first day of January immediately following the expiration of the immediately preceding term of that office and serve terms of six years and until their successors are appointed and qualified.
Term = 6-year terms, after the initial terms
Term below expires: 12/31/2023
Jack Hardin (BOC Position #6)
Chairman Robb Pitts nominated Jack Hardin (BOC Position #6) for a Full Board reappointment to a term ending December 31, 2029.