Emergency Management
Requested Action (Identify appropriate Action or Motion, purpose, cost, timeframe, etc.)
Request approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement for Animal Control Services between Fulton County, Georgia and City of South Fulton for a period of time that shall terminate at 2400 hours on December 31, 2028. The purpose of this Intergovernmental Agreement is to provide vital and necessary animal control services for the County’s homeless pets while enforcing the animal control laws of Fulton County in a manner that reflects quality and professionalism. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA)
Requirement for Board Action (Cite specific Board policy, statute or code requirement)
O.C.G.A. § 36-101 requires any contract entered into by the County be approved by the Board of Commissioners and entered into its official minutes.
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Summary & Background (First sentence includes Agency recommendation. Provide an executive summary of the action that gives an overview of the relevant details for the item.)
Scope of Work: The attached Intergovernmental Agreement provides the basis for the relationship between Fulton County and City of South Fulton to allow Fulton County Animal Control Services to protect and provide for the County’s homeless pets while enforcing the animal control laws of Fulton County in a manner that reflects quality and professionalism. The Agreement provides that:
1.1 The County agrees to provide animal control services through a contract with an animal control services vendor within the corporate limits of the City. The purpose of such service shall be to enforce the Georgia Animal Control Act, all County ordinances attendant thereto, and all ordinances of the City related to animal control services.
1.2 The County agrees to provide a response to requests for animal control services within the City in accordance with the time periods specified in the County’s contract with its approved animal control services vendor.
1.3 The County agrees to provide rabies control, investigate cruelty complaints and animal bites, operate an animal shelter and remove live or dead animals from within the corporate limits of the City upon request of the City and in accordance with the approved contract with the animal control services vendor.
1.4 The County agrees to provide the City courteous, efficient, and accessible Animal Control Services for emergencies, and non-emergencies for the term prescribed in this Agreement, consistent with the overall quality of services provided throughout the County.
The term of this Agreement is for Twelve (12) months from January 1, 2024 at 0000 hours through and concluding at 2400 hours on December 31, 2024 with Four (4) automatic renewals commencing on January 1 of each successive year. This Agreement shall terminate at 2400 hours on December 31, 2028.
At the conclusion of the last term (2400 hours on December 31, 2028), the City will be solely responsible for providing all animal control services within City boundaries, unless extended by mutual agreement approved by both governing bodies. Any such change is subject to consideration and approval of the County Board of Commissioners and the governing body of the City.
The parties agree that the City may, at any time, upon sixty (60) days notice to the County, terminate this Agreement.
The payment amount for each jurisdiction will be based on its proportional monthly calls for service. The cost to the City will be based on classification and location of calls received by the animal control services vendor during the month of service. Each City will pay their percentage use of the total cost to operate the service based on the call information.
Community Impact: The approval of the IGA is necessary so that the Fulton County Animal Services program can provide the vital and necessary animal control service functions for the County’s homeless pets while enforcing the animal control laws of Fulton County, GA in a manner that reflects quality and professionalism.
Department Recommendation: The Administrator of the Fulton County Animal Services Program recommends Board of Commissioners approve for this particular agenda item. Approval of this item will not require the expenditure of any additional County funds.
Project Implications: No particular project implications have been identified at this time.
Community Issues/Concerns: No particular issues or concerns have been raised by internal/external partners.
Department Issues/Concerns: No issues or concerns have been identified at this time.
Fiscal Impact / Funding Source
Funding Line 1: