Meeting Name: Board of Commissioners Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 10/2/2024 10:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Assembly Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra1: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet Meeting Extra2: Post Agenda Post Agenda  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
24-0619 1  Consent - Board of CommissionersAdoption of the Consent Agenda - All matters listed on the Consent Agenda are considered routine by the County Commission and will be enacted by one motion. No separate discussion will take place on these items. If discussion of any Consent Agenda item is desired, the item will be moved to the First Regular Meeting Agenda for separate consideration. (ADOPTED AS AMENDED)adopt as amendedPass Action details Video Video
24-0620 1  Consent - Board of CommissionersProclamations for Spreading on the Minutes. (SPREAD ON THE MINUTES UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) Proclamation recognizing “Vincent Nathaniel Young Remembrance Day.” (Hall/Arrington) September 21, 2024 Proclamation recognizing “Baldie Con Appreciation Day.” (Abdur-Rahman/Pitts) September 27, 2024 Proclamation recognizing “Babs Bunny’s Prom Night.” (Abdur-Rahman) September 28, 2024 Proclamation recognizing “Angela Watts Appreciation Day.” (Hall/Arrington) September 29, 2024 Proclamation recognizing “Jim Alexander Appreciation Day.” (Hall/Arrington) September 29, 2024 Proclamation recognizing “Munson Steed Appreciation Day.” (Hall/Arrington) September 29, 2024 Proclamation recognizing “Randy Davidson Appreciation Day.” (Hall/Arrington) September 29, 2024 Proclamation recognizing “CeeLo Green Appreciation Day.” (Hall/Arrington) September 29, 2024 Proclamation recognizing “Raquell Lord Appreciation Day.” (Abdur-Rahman) October 3, 2024   Action details Not available
24-0621 1  Consent - Open & Responsible GovernmentRequest approval of a change order less than 10% - Department of Real Estate and Asset Management, RFP#23RFP041723K-JA, Design/Build Services for Fulton County Behavioral Health Crisis Center in the total amount not to exceed $997,640.00 with Hogan Construction Group, LLC (Norcross, GA), to modify the contract for final close-out costs of the of the design and construction of the Fulton County Behavioral Health Crisis Unit at the Oak Hill Child, Adolescent & Family Center. Effective upon BOC approval. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA)   Action details Not available
24-0622 1  Consent - Open & Responsible GovernmentRequest approval to renew existing contracts - Department of Real Estate and Asset Management, 22ITB134894C-MH, Maintenance and Testing of Fire Intrusion Alarm Systems in the total amount not to exceed $110,000.00 with (A) VSC Fire & Security, Inc. (Norcross, GA) in an amount not to exceed $75,000.00; and (B) Entec Systems, Inc. (Suwanee, GA) in an amount not to exceed $35,000.00, to provide on-site maintenance and testing of fire-intrusion alarm systems on annual/or an “as-needed” basis for County facilities. This action exercises the second of two renewal options. No renewal options remain. Effective dates: January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA)   Action details Not available
24-0623 1  Consent - Open & Responsible GovernmentRequest approval to renew existing contracts - Department of Real Estate and Asset Management, 23ITB138782C-JNJ, Glass and Plexiglas Repair and Replacement in the total amount not to exceed $105,000.00 with (A) Brad Construction Company II, LLC (Fayetteville, GA) in an amount not to exceed $30,000.00; and (B) P & E Mirror and Glass, LLC (Atlanta, GA) in an amount not to exceed $75,000.00, to provide glass and Plexiglas repair and replacement on an “as needed” basis” for County facilities. This action exercises the first of two renewal options. One renewal option remains. Effective dates: January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA)   Action details Not available
24-0624 1  Consent - Open & Responsible GovernmentRequest approval to renew an existing contract - Department of Real Estate and Asset Management, 22ITB135025C-MH, Generator System Maintenance and Repair Services in the amount not to exceed $135,000.00 with Power & Energy Services, Inc. (Powder Springs, GA), to provide on-site preventive generator system maintenance and repair services for Fulton County. This action exercises second of two renewal options. No renewal options remain. Effective dates: January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA)   Action details Not available
24-0625 1  Consent - Open & Responsible GovernmentRequest approval of a Resolution authorizing a Right of Way Easement Agreement between Fulton County, Georgia, and Greystone Power Corporation for the purpose of relocating and installing utility poles on Cedar Grove Road; to authorize the Chairman to execute the Right of Way Easement Agreement and related documents; to authorize the County Attorney to approve the Right of Way Easement Agreement and related documents as to form; and for other purposes. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA)   Action details Not available
24-0626 1  Consent - Open & Responsible GovernmentRequest approval of a Sewer Easement Dedication of 307.28 square feet to Fulton County, Georgia, from Roswell Creekview Unit Owners Association, Inc., for the purpose of constructing the 275 South Atlanta Street Project at 5000 Over Land Drive, Roswell, Georgia 30075. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA)   Action details Not available
24-0627 1  Consent - Open & Responsible GovernmentRequest approval of a Sewer Relocation Easement Dedication of 9,435 square feet to Fulton County, a political subdivision of the State of Georgia from Microsoft Corporation for the purpose of constructing the Plummer Road SS Revision Project at 0 Fulton Industrial Boulevard, South Fulton, Georgia 30336. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA)   Action details Not available
24-0628 1  Consent - Health and Human ServicesRequest approval to renew an existing contract - Department of Public Works, 23ITB08012023A-JWT, Water Quality Monitoring in the amount of $129,254.00 with Integrated Science Engineering, Inc. (Newman, GA), to provide water quality monitoring services. This action exercises the first of two renewal options. One renewal option remains. Effective dates: January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA)   Action details Not available
24-0629 1  Consent - Health and Human ServicesRequest approval to amend existing contracts to increase the spending authority of “Ryan White Part A” grant subrecipients pursuant to the Health Resources and Services Administration award in the amount of $1,900,000.00 for FY24, subject to Federal funding. Contracts are 100% grant funded with no Fulton County match. Request authorization for the Chairman to execute contracts with six (6) selected subrecipients. To protect the interest of the County, the County Attorney is authorized to approve the contracts as to form and make any necessary modifications thereto prior to execution by the Chairman. Award #2 H89HA00007-32-00 (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA)   Action details Not available
24-0630 1  Consent - Justice and SafetyRequest approval to enter into a data sharing agreement with Georgia State University (GSU) for Fulton County to provide data on the jail population, charges, bookings, and other court case information. Data will be provided at no cost to GSU and GSU will provide findings and reports of their research back to Fulton County, specifically focused on potential impacts to the Fulton County justice system with the signing of Senate Bill 63. Effective dates: Upon BOC approval through June 30, 2025. (REMOVED)   Action details Not available
24-0631 1  First Regular Meeting - BOCAdoption of the First Regular Meeting Agenda. (ADOPTED AS AMENDED)adoptPass Action details Video Video
24-0632 1  First Regular Meeting - BOCRatification of Minutes. (RATIFIED) First Regular Meeting Minutes, September 4, 2024 Second Regular Meeting Post Agenda Minutes, September 18, 2024ratifyPass Action details Video Video
24-0633 1  First Regular Meeting - BOCPresentation of Proclamations and Certificates. (PRESENTED) Proclamation recognizing “Customer Service Week.” (Pitts/Abdur-Rahman/Ellis) Proclamation recognizing “Domestic Violence Awareness Month.” (Abdur-Rahman/Pitts/Ellis) Proclamation recognizing “Breast Cancer Awareness Month.” (Abdur-Rahman/Pitts/Ellis)   Action details Video Video
24-0634 1  Public HearingsPublic Comment - Citizens are allowed to voice County related opinions, concerns, requests, etc. during the Public Comment portion of the Commission meeting. Priority for public comment will be given to Fulton County citizens and those individuals representing businesses or organizations located within Fulton County, including their employees, whether such persons are commenting in-person, via emails or via Zoom or other electronic media (i.e., phone call). Non-Fulton County citizens will only be heard after all in-person Fulton County citizens, representatives of business and organizations located within Fulton County, including their employees, have been heard and the time allotted for public comment has not expired, except as otherwise provided in this code section. County staff shall verify the residency of each public speaker prior to such person being heard by the board. Speakers will be granted up to two minutes each. Members of the public will not be allowed to yield or donate time to other speakers. The Public Comment portion of the meeting will not exceed sixty (60) minutes   Action details Video Video
24-0635 1  CM Action Item - Open & Responsible GovernmentRequest approval to renew an existing contract - Department of Real Estate and Asset Management, 23ITB138287C-JNJ, Asphalt/Concrete Pavement Maintenance and Repair Services in an amount not to exceed $200,000.00 with Complete Contracting Partners LLC (Powder Springs, GA), to provide asphalt/concrete pavement maintenance and repair services on an “as needed” basis for the County. This action exercises the first of two renewal options. One renewal option remains. Effective dates: January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025. (APPROVED)approvePass Action details Video Video
24-0636 1  CM Action Item - Open & Responsible GovernmentRequest approval to renew an existing contract - Department of Real Estate and Asset Management, 23ITB138304C-JNJ, Standby Fencing Installation and Repair in an amount not to exceed $200,000.00 with Allied Fence Company, Inc. (Mableton, GA), to provide standby fencing installation and repair on an “as needed” basis for Fulton County. This action exercises the first of two renewal options. One renewal option remains. Effective dates: January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025. (APPROVED)approvePass Action details Not available
24-0637 1  CM Action Item - Open & Responsible GovernmentRequest approval to renew an existing contract - Department of Real Estate and Asset Management, 23ITB073123C-MH, Elevator and Escalator Maintenance Services in an amount not to exceed $400,000.00 with Mowrey Elevator Company of Florida, Inc. (Marianna, FL), to provide full on-site preventive maintenance services for approximately 75 various types of passenger and freight elevators for County facilities. This action exercises the first of two renewal options. One renewal option remains. Effective dates: January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025. (APPROVED)approvePass Action details Not available
24-0638 1  CM Action Item - Open & Responsible GovernmentRequest approval to renew an existing contract - Department of Real Estate and Asset Management, 23ITB136993C-GS, Medical and Clinical General Cleaning Services in an amount not to exceed $440,290.00 with Intercontinental Commercial Services, Inc. (Lawrenceville, GA) to provide medical and clinical cleaning services for five (5) selected Fulton County Health facilities. This action exercises the second of two renewal options. No renewal options remain. Effective dates: January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025. (APPROVED)approvePass Action details Not available
24-0639 1  CM Action Item - Open & Responsible GovernmentRequest approval to renew existing contracts - Department of Real Estate and Asset Management, 22RFP135756C-GS, Janitorial Services for Fulton County’s Government Center Complex (Group A) and Justice Center Facilities (Group B) in the total amount not to exceed $2,269,832.00 with (A) ABM Industry Groups, LLC (Atlanta, GA) in the amount not to exceed $903,588.00; and (B) American Facility Services, Inc. (Alpharetta, GA) in the amount not to exceed $1,366,244.00, to provide janitorial services for the Government Center Complex and the Justice Center Complex for Fulton County. This action exercises the second of two renewal options. No renewal options remain. Effective dates: January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025. (APPROVED)approvePass Action details Not available
24-0640 1  CM Action Item - Open & Responsible GovernmentRequest approval to renew existing contracts - Department of Real Estate and Asset Management, 22ITB134621K-JAJ, Roof Maintenance, Repair and Replacement Services Countywide in the total amount not to exceed $1,500,000.00 with (A) solicitation RYCARS Construction, LLC (Atlanta, GA) in the amount not to exceed $500,000.00, (B) Ideal Building Solutions, LLC. (Norcross, GA) in the amount not to exceed $500,000.00, and (C) Ben Hill Roofing and Siding Co, Inc (Douglasville, GA) in the amount not to exceed $500,000.00, to provide standby roof maintenance, repair, and replacement services on an “as-needed” basis for Countywide facilities. This action exercises the second of two renewal options. No renewal options remain. Effective dates: January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025. (APPROVED)approvePass Action details Not available
24-0641 1  CM Action Item - Health and Human ServicesRequest approval to renew an existing contract - Public Works, 23ITB139005A-JWT, Standby Utility Pavement Patching & Paving Services in an amount not to exceed $600,000.00 with The K&E Group USA LLC (Atlanta, GA) to provide standby utility pavement patching and paving services. This action exercises the second of two renewal options. No renewal options remain. Effective dates: January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025. (APPROVED)approvePass Action details Not available
24-0642 1  CM Action Item - Health and Human ServicesRequest approval to renew an existing contract - Department of Public Works, 22ITB093A-KM, Fire Hydrants Maintenance and Repairs in the amount not to exceed $200,000.00 with American Flow Service, LLC (Conyers GA), to provide fire hydrants maintenance and repairs. This action exercises the second of two renewal options. No renewal options remain. Effective dates: January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025. (APPROVED)approvePass Action details Not available
24-0643 1  CM Action Item - Health and Human ServicesRequest approval to renew an existing contract - Department of Public Works, 22ITBC089A-JWT, Manholes, Frames, Grates, and Accessories, in an amount not to exceed $360,742.45 with Ferguson Waterworks (Norcross, GA), to provide manholes, frames. grates, and accessories. This action exercises the second of two renewal options. No renewal option remains. Effective dates: January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025. (APPROVED)approvePass Action details Not available
24-0644 1  CM Action Item - Health and Human ServicesRequest approval to renew an existing contract - Department of Public Works, 22ITBC074A-JWT, Corporation Stops and Brass Fittings in the amount of $412,683.51 Delta Municipal Supply Company (Lawrenceville, GA) to provide corporation stops and brass fittings. This action exercises the second of two renewal options. No renewal options remain. Effective dates: January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025. (APPROVED)approvePass Action details Not available
24-0645 1  CM Action Item - Justice and SafetyRequest approval to renew an existing contract - Medical Examiner's Office, 22ITB135453C-MH, Pickup and Removal of Deceased Remains in an amount not to exceed $168,000.00 with Thompson Mortuary Services LLC. (Atlanta, GA) to provide pickup and removal of deceased remains services. This action exercises the first of two renewal options. One renewal option remains. Effective dates: January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2025. (APPROVED)approvePass Action details Not available
24-0646 1  CM Action Item - Open & Responsible GovernmentRequest approval of a Resolution to ratify the Declaration of a Local State of Emergency in Fulton County, Georgia due to the impact of Hurricane Helene. Effective upon passage. (APPROVED)approvePass Action details Video Video
24-0647 1  CM Action Item - Open & Responsible GovernmentRequest approval to amend an existing contract - Fulton County Information Technology Department, 23RFP139160B-EC, Digital Multi-functional Devices and Support Services to increase the spending authority $404,097.64 with Standard Office Systems of Atlanta, Inc. (Duluth, GA) to include usage costs in the annual contract. Effective upon BOC approval. (APPROVED)approvePass Action details Video Video
24-0648 1  CM Action Item - Open & Responsible GovernmentRequest approval of a recommended proposal - Fulton County Department of Real Estate and Asset Management, 23RFP092723K-JA, Program Management Services in an amount not to exceed $1,500,000.00 with Heery + Russell, a joint venture (Atlanta, GA), to provide Program Management Services to support the Department of Real Estate and Asset Management through the management of multiple County construction projects and related services. Effective upon issuance of Notice to Proceed (NTP) for two years, with one, one year renewal option. (APPROVED)approvePass Action details Video Video
24-0649 1  CM Action Item - Open & Responsible GovernmentRequest approval to increase the spending authority - Department of Real Estate and Asset Management, 21RFP131973C-MH, Bus and Shuttle Services in an amount not to exceed $75,000.00 with MTI Limo and Shuttle Services, Inc. (College Park, GA) to cover additional annual expenses associated with an increase in bus and shuttle services supporting various initiatives and events sponsored by County agencies and County Commissioners. Effective upon BOC approval. (APPROVED)approvePass Action details Video Video
24-0650 1  CM Action Item - Open & Responsible GovernmentRequest approval of the lowest responsible bidder - Department of Real Estate and Asset Management, 24ITB143254C-JH, Mail Services Operation in an amount not to exceed $349,424.16, with Moore Partners, Inc. dba More Business Solutions (Peachtree Corners, GA) to provide mail services Countywide. Effective dates: January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025, with two renewal options. (APPROVED)approvePass Action details Video Video
24-0651 1  CM Action Item - Health and Human ServicesRequest confirmation of seven (7) nominees as voting members of the Fulton County Opioid Abatement Advisory Council. Voting members shall include the following: (1) a designee of the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office, as nominated by the Sheriff and confirmed by the Board of Commissioners; (2) a member designated by the executive team of the Fulton County Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities and confirmed by the Board of Commissioners; (3) a member of the Fulton County Board of Health, as nominated by the Fulton County Board of Health and confirmed by the Board of Commissioners; (4) an academic member with a background in substance use and recovery, as nominated by the Director of the Fulton County Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities and confirmed by the Board of Commissioners; (5) a substance use disorder treatment provider within Fulton County licensed by the Georgia Department of Community Health (DCH), as nominated by the Director of the Fulton County Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities and confirmed by approvePass Action details Video Video
24-0652 1  CM Action Item - Health and Human ServicesRequest approval to enter into a contract with the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health & Developmental Disabilities for the planning and design of the Behavioral Health Crisis Center in North Fulton for a contract term September 25, 2024 through September 24, 2025. The contract is grant funded in the amount of $500,000.00. The County Attorney is authorized to approve the contract as to legal form and make modifications thereto, including correcting scrivener’s errors, prior to execution. (APPROVED)approvePass Action details Video Video
24-0653 1  CM Action Item - Health and Human ServicesRequest approval to (a) rescind prior 2024 Veterans Services Program (VSP) award to the non-profit (identified in Attachment “A”) in the amount of $30,000.00; and (b) reallocate the rescinded funding in the amount of $30,000.00 to the non-profits (identified in Attachment “B”). (APPROVED)approvePass Action details Video Video
24-0611 1  Commissioners Action ItemRequest approval of an Ordinance amending Part 1, Subpart B, Chapter 101- General Provisions and County Governing Authority Article I, Sec. 101-68 - Decorum, of the Code of Laws of Fulton County, Georgia Relating to Rules of Decorum Governing Meetings of the Board of Commissioners; and for other purposes. (Pitts) (HELD ON 9/18/24, 10/2/24, 10/16/24, 11/6/24, AND 11/20/24) (HELD)   Action details Video Video
24-0654 1  Commissioners Action ItemRequest approval of a Resolution to designate a resignation procedure for appointed members of the Boards, Commissions, Taskforces, Committees, Councils and authorities created under the authority of the Fulton County Board of Commissioners; and for other purposes. (Pitts) (HELD ON 10/2/24, 10/16/24, AND 11/6/24) (APPROVED)approve  Action details Video Video
24-0655 1  Commissioners Action ItemRequest approval of a Resolution to ensure free accessibility to Fulton County records by County officials and employees as needed to fulfill their public duties and functions; and for other purposes. (Thorne) (HELD ON 10/2/24, 10/16/24, AND 11/6/24) (FILED)approve  Action details Video Video
24-0655 1  Commissioners Action ItemRequest approval of a Resolution to ensure free accessibility to Fulton County records by County officials and employees as needed to fulfill their public duties and functions; and for other purposes. (Thorne) (HELD ON 10/2/24, 10/16/24, AND 11/6/24) (FILED)holdPass Action details Video Video
24-0656 1  Commissioners Action ItemRequest approval of a Resolution that any unbudgeted financial impact to Fulton County resulting from failure to comply with the Purchasing Code and other procurement requirements shall be deducted from the budget of the noncompliant department, office, Constitutional Officer, or Elected Official, or offset by reduction to subsequent fiscal year budgets; and for other purposes. (Abdur-Rahman) (APPROVED)approvePass Action details Video Video
24-0657 1  Commissioners Action ItemREGION III EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES COUNCIL (APPROVED) The Bylaws of the Region III Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Council requires that its members be appointed by County Commissioners and must constitute a minimum of two thirds of the voting membership. Council members serve terms of appointment of three (3) years. The Council year will be from July 1 to June 30. The term of each appointment shall be for three years with one-third of the Council to be appointed each year. In order to have one-third of the Council appointed each year some appointments may be made for 1 or 2 years until such balances achieved. Members may be reappointed to the EMS Council with no limit on terms. (See EMS Advisory Council Bylaws updated on 5/13/2021). Term = 3 Years Term below expires: June 30, 2026 Matthew Kallmyer (BOC/Position 2) Chairman Pitts nominated Alex Robles to replace Matt Kallmyer for a Full Board appointment to an unexpired term ending June 30, 2026.approvePass Action details Video Video
24-0613 1  Commissioners Presentation/DiscussionDiscussion: Open Records Requests (Thorne) (HELD ON 9/18/24)   Action details Video Video
24-0614 1  Commissioners Presentation/DiscussionDiscussion: Sheriff’s Office Outstanding Invoices (Pitts) (MOTION TO APPROVE FAILED ON 9/4/24 AND 10/2/24) A motion was made by Commissioner Arrington and seconded by Commissioner Hall, to approve allocating $2,255,042.94 to the Sheriff's Office. Motion to Approve Failed on 10/2/24 Reference item #24-0579: A motion was made by Commissioner Arrington and seconded by Commissioner Hall, to allocate the $2.137 million to the Sheriff's Office. Motion to Approve Failed on 9/4/24approveFail Action details Video Video
24-0615 1  Commissioners Presentation/DiscussionDiscussion: Inmate Phone Contract & Jail Commissary Contract (Pitts) (HELD ON 9/18/24, 10/2/24, 10/16/24, 11/6/24 AND 11/20/24) (DISCUSSED)   Action details Video Video
24-0658 1  Commissioners Action ItemDiscussion: Update of activities of the City of Atlanta and Fulton County Recreation Authority (AFCRA). (Arrington)   Action details Video Video
24-0659 1  Executive SessionExecutive (CLOSED) Sessions regarding litigation (County Attorney), real estate (County Manager), and personnel (Pitts). PRESENT IN THE EXECUTIVE SESSION REGARDING LITIGATION, REAL ESTATE AND PERSONNEL: Chairman Pitts, Vice Chair Abdur-Rahman, Commissioners: Thorne, Ellis, Barrett, Hall, and Arrington; County Manager Dick Anderson; County Attorney Y. Soo Jo; and Clerk to the Commission Tonya R. Grier.enter into executive sessionPass Action details Video Video
24-0659 1  Executive SessionExecutive (CLOSED) Sessions regarding litigation (County Attorney), real estate (County Manager), and personnel (Pitts). PRESENT IN THE EXECUTIVE SESSION REGARDING LITIGATION, REAL ESTATE AND PERSONNEL: Chairman Pitts, Vice Chair Abdur-Rahman, Commissioners: Thorne, Ellis, Barrett, Hall, and Arrington; County Manager Dick Anderson; County Attorney Y. Soo Jo; and Clerk to the Commission Tonya R. Grier.approvePass Action details Video Video