Meeting Name: Board of Commissioners Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/19/2025 10:00 AM Minutes status: Post Agenda  
Meeting location: Assembly Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available Meeting Extra1: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet Meeting Extra2: Post Agenda Post Agenda  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
25-0112 1  Consent - Board of CommissionersAdoption of the Consent Agenda - All matters listed on the Consent Agenda are considered routine by the County Commission and will be enacted by one motion. No separate discussion will take place on these items. If discussion of any Consent Agenda item is desired, the item will be moved to the Second Regular Meeting Agenda for separate consideration. (ADOPTED)adoptPass Action details Video Video
25-0113 1  Consent - Board of CommissionersProclamations for Spreading on the Minutes. (SPREAD ON THE MINUTES UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) Proclamation recognizing “Reginald Tatum Remembrance Day.” (Pitts/Abdur-Rahman) February 8, 2025 Proclamation recognizing “Eagle Scout Kevin Xiang Zhang Appreciation Day.” (Thorne) February 8, 2025 Proclamation recognizing “Eagle Scout Avaneesh Jadhav Appreciation Day.” (Thorne) February 8, 2025 Proclamation recognizing “Anthony “DJ Unk” Platt Remembrance Day.” (Arrington) February 8, 2025 Proclamation recognizing “Deborah Clark Howard Remembrance Day.” (Abdur-Rahman) February 8, 2025 Proclamation recognizing “Dr. Bernard Thompson Remembrance Day.” (Abdur-Rahman) February 13, 2025   Action details Not available
25-0114 1  Consent - Board of CommissionersLIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) Pursuant to House Bill 595 (2015), there shall be seven Fulton County appointed members, with one such member appointed by each member of the Board of Commissioners of Fulton County. Term = Each member of the board of trustees appointed by a member of the board of commissioners shall serve at the pleasure of the appointing member of the Board of Commissioners and for the same term as the Commissioner making such appointment. Term below expired: 12/31/2024 Beverly Rice (Abdur-Rahman) Commissioner Abdur-Rahman nominated Beverly Rice for a District reappointment to a term ending December 31, 2028.   Action details Not available
25-0115 1  Consent - Board of CommissionersLIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) Term below expired: 12/31/2024 Priscilla Borders (Hall) Commissioner Ivory nominated Paul Bolster for a District appointment to a term ending December 31, 2028.   Action details Not available
25-0116 1  Consent - Board of CommissionersCOMMISSION ON ELDER AFFAIRS (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) Seven (7) appointees by the Board of Commissioners (one for each District); three (3) appointees from each of the non-profit umbrella agencies, which the County contracts with for aging services; and three (3) senior citizens elected by seniors in the three geographical areas of the County. The terms of such members appointed by the Board of Commissioners shall end at the end of the term of the appointing District Commissioner. Such members may continue to serve beyond his/her term until a successor is appointed. Term = Shall end at the end of the term of the appointing District Commissioner Term below expired: 12/31/2024 Linda Adams (Hall) Commissioner Ivory nominated Linda Adams for a District reappointment to a term ending December 31, 2028.   Action details Not available
25-0117 1  Consent - Board of CommissionersFULTON COUNTY ARTS COUNCIL (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) The Arts Council shall be composed of fifteen (15) residents of the county. Initially, each member of the Board of Commissioners shall appoint two persons to serve on the council, one person to serve for a one-year term and one person to serve a two-year term. No term of any member shall extend beyond the term of the District Commissioner who appointed the member to serve on the Arts Council Board; thereafter, each year, each member of the Board of Commissioners shall appoint one member for a two-year term. Each member may continue to serve beyond his/her term until replaced. The Chairman of the Arts Council shall be appointed to a two-year term by a majority vote of the Board of Commissioners. The Council shall elect a Vice-Chairman and a secretary from its membership. Term = 2 years Term below expired: 12/31/2022 Onaje Henderson (Hall) Commissioner Ivory nominated Onaje Henderson for a District reappointment to a term ending December 31, 2026.   Action details Not available
25-0118 1  Consent - Board of CommissionersFULTON COUNTY ARTS COUNCIL (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) Term = 2 years Term below expired: 12/31/2024 Gary E. Snyder (Barrett) Commissioner Barrett nominated Gary E. Snyder for a District reappointment to a term ending December 31, 2026.   Action details Not available
25-0119 1  Consent - Board of CommissionersFULTON COUNTY VETERANS’ EMPOWERMENT COMMISSION, INC. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) The Veterans Commission shall have the following members: Each Commissioner shall appoint two (2) members. Such appointees shall be residents of, or work in Fulton County and shall have military experience or expertise in the areas affecting military veterans. Veterans Commission shall serve three (3) year terms, with such term subject to the discretion of the appointing Commissioner, who can remove a member for cause, otherwise such member may continue to serve beyond his/her term until a successor is appointed. Term = 3 Years Term below expired: 12/31/2024 Patricia Lewis (Abdur-Rahman) Commissioner Abdur-Rahman nominated Lawrence Reeves for a District appointment to a term ending December 31, 2027.   Action details Not available
25-0120 1  Consent - Board of CommissionersADMINISTRATIVE HEARING OFFICERS (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) Two-year terms pursuant to Section 34-67(a) of the Fulton County Civil Service Act. Term = 2 Years Commissioner Arrington nominated Jana J. Edmondson-Cooper for an appointment to a two-year term.   Action details Not available
25-0121 1  Consent - Board of CommissionersADMINISTRATIVE HEARING OFFICERS (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) Two-year terms pursuant to Section 34-67(a) of the Fulton County Civil Service Act. Term = 2 Years Vice-Chairman Ellis nominated Sterling Eaves for a reappointment to a two-year term.   Action details Not available
25-0122 1  Consent - Board of CommissionersExecution by Chairman Robert L. Pitts of a TEFRA (Tax Equity Fiscal Responsibility Act) for documentation pertaining to the proposed issuance of its Development Authority of Fulton County Revenue Bonds (Spelman College), Series 2025, in an amount not to exceed $45,000,000.00 (the "Bonds"). (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA)   Action details Not available
25-0123 1  Consent - Open & Responsible GovernmentRequest approval of Sanitary Sewer System Ownership, Operation, Maintenance, and Repair Agreement between Fulton County, a political subdivision of the State of Georgia, and Piaskey Holdings, LLC, for the purpose of granting Fulton County legal access to extend and maintain the sanitary sewer system at 10365 Waters Road, Alpharetta, Georgia 30022 (the Development). (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA)   Action details Not available
25-0124 1  Consent - Open & Responsible GovernmentRequest approval of a Water Easement Dedication of 37,877 square feet to Fulton County, a political subdivision of the State of Georgia, from EA Homes, LP for the purpose of constructing the Argosy Park Project at 0 Northpoint Parkway, Alpharetta, Georgia 30005. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA)   Action details Not available
25-0125 1  Consent - Open & Responsible GovernmentRatification of the January 2025 Grants Activity Report. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA)   Action details Not available
25-0126 1  Consent - Arts and LibrariesRequest approval to increase spending authority - Library, 24SSREQ1339341B-RT, Tablet Stations with EnvisionWare, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $9,404.24 for the purchase of eight (8) additional Hublet Tablet Stations to be distributed throughout the library system. Effective upon BOC approval. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA)   Action details Not available
25-0127 1  Consent - Health and Human ServicesRequest approval to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement ("MOA") between Fulton County, as the GA 502 Fulton County Continuum of Care ("CoC") Collaborative Applicant, and the Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA), on behalf of the Georgia Housing and Finance Authority ("GHFA"), to implement the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). The term is from December 1, 2024, through November 30, 2025. This item is 100% grant funded in the amount of $72,659.00 (HMIS grant through the DCA). (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA)   Action details Not available
25-0128 1  Second Regular Meeting - BOCAdoption of the Second Regular Meeting Agenda. (ADOPTED AS AMENDED)adopt as amendedPass Action details Video Video
25-0129 1  Second Regular Meeting - BOCRatification of Minutes. (RATIFIED) Second Regular Meeting Minutes, January 29, 2025 First Regular Meeting Post Agenda Minutes, February 5, 2025ratifyPass Action details Video Video
25-0130 1  Second Regular Meeting - BOCPresentation of Proclamations and Certificates. (PRESENTED) Proclamation recognizing “Atlanta Jewish Film Festival Appreciation Day.” (Barrett/Ivory/Thorne/Ellis)   Action details Video Video
25-0131 1  Public HearingsPublic Comment - Citizens are allowed to voice County related opinions, concerns, requests, etc. during the Public Comment portion of the Commission meeting. Priority for public comment will be given to Fulton County citizens and those individuals representing businesses or organizations located within Fulton County, including their employees, whether such persons are commenting in-person, via emails or via Zoom or other electronic media (i.e., phone call). Non-Fulton County citizens will only be heard after all in-person Fulton County citizens, representatives of business and organizations located within Fulton County, including their employees, have been heard and the time allotted for public comment has not expired, except as otherwise provided in this code section. County staff shall verify the residency of each public speaker prior to such person being heard by the board. Speakers will be granted up to two minutes each. Members of the public will not be allowed to yield or donate time to other speakers. The Public Comment portion of the meeting will not exceed sixty (60) minutes   Action details Video Video
25-0132 1  Public HearingsPublic Hearing for the Fulton County 2045 Comprehensive Plan Update and request for approval to transmit the 2045 Comprehensive Plan for Unincorporated Fulton County to the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) and Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA) for their required review. (APPROVED) PUBLIC HEARING CONDUCTED 1 Speaker: J Wesley DayapprovePass Action details Video Video
25-0133 1  CM Action Item - Open & Responsible GovernmentPresentation of the Fulton County Operational Report. (PRESENTED)   Action details Video Video
25-0134 1  CM Action Item - Open & Responsible GovernmentRequest approval of a Resolution to Equalize the 2025 Cost-of-Living Adjustments (COLAs) among all pensioners by providing those retirees who participated in pension plans without automatic adjustments with the same three percent (3%) COLA that is mandated by the formula provided in the 1982 and 1991 DB Plans and their amendments, effective April 1, 2025. (APPROVED)approvePass Action details Video Video
25-0135 1  CM Action Item - Open & Responsible GovernmentDiscussion of the estimated rollback rate to be provided to the Tax Commissioner as required in the provisions of the new State law HB 581. (DISCUSSED/APPROVED)approvePass Action details Video Video
25-0136 1  CM Action Item - Open & Responsible GovernmentRequest approval of a termination of contract for the Office of the Tax Commissioner, Electronic Transaction Processing Agreement with Official Payments Corporation for electronic check payment and processing and credit/debit card payment transaction services. Effective upon BOC approval. (APPROVED)approvePass Action details Video Video
25-0137 1  CM Action Item - Open & Responsible GovernmentRequest approval to utilize cooperative purchasing contract - Department of Real Estate and Asset Management, Sourcewell Contract RFP #063022-SES, Commercial Kitchen Equipment with Related Supplies and Services in an amount not to exceed $241,001.15 with Strategic Equipment, LLC dba TriMark USA, LLC (Albany, GA), for the purchase, delivery and installation of three (3) 80-gallon gas kettles, one (1) roll-in gas oven, and one (1) 2-vat gas fryer with related accessories for the Fulton County Jail. Effective upon BOC approval. (APPROVED)approvePass Action details Video Video
25-0107 1  Commissioners Action ItemRequest approval of a Resolution to amend Fulton County's current approved FY2025 budget by approving an increase to the total budget provided to the Department of Arts and Culture by an additional amount of $1,700,000.00 for the Contracts for Services ("CFS") Program to maintain the current level of services provided in FY2024 and recent years; and for other purposes. (Barrett/Arrington) (MOTION TO APPROVE FAILED ON 2/5/25) (REMOVED) ITEM REMOVED AS REQUESTED BY COMMISSIONER BARRETT   Action details Not available
25-0138 1  Commissioners Action ItemBOARD OF ETHICS (APPROVED) Each member selected after the initial terms of office have expired shall serve a term of three (3) years or until the termination of his or her membership in the organization from which he or she was selected. The chair shall serve as chair for the remainder of the calendar year and until a successor is chosen. (See Fulton County Code of Laws, Section 2-80). Term = 3 years Term below expired: 2/12/2025 LaTonya Nix Wiley (Atlanta Airport Chamber of Commerce) The Atlanta Airport Chamber of Commerce recommended LaTonya Nix Wiley for a Full Board reappointment to a term ending February 12, 2028.approvePass Action details Video Video
25-0138 1  Commissioners Action ItemBOARD OF ETHICS (APPROVED) Each member selected after the initial terms of office have expired shall serve a term of three (3) years or until the termination of his or her membership in the organization from which he or she was selected. The chair shall serve as chair for the remainder of the calendar year and until a successor is chosen. (See Fulton County Code of Laws, Section 2-80). Term = 3 years Term below expired: 2/12/2025 LaTonya Nix Wiley (Atlanta Airport Chamber of Commerce) The Atlanta Airport Chamber of Commerce recommended LaTonya Nix Wiley for a Full Board reappointment to a term ending February 12, 2028.approvePass Action details Video Video
25-0139 1  CM Presentation - Open & Responsible GovernmentPresentation: 2025 State Legislative Session Update. (PRESENTED)   Action details Video Video
25-0140 1  Executive SessionExecutive (CLOSED) Sessions regarding litigation (County Attorney), real estate (County Manager), and personnel (Pitts). (APPROVED) PRESENT IN THE EXECUTIVE SESSION REGARDING LITIGATION, REAL ESTATE, PERSONNEL AND CYBER SECURITY: Chairman Pitts, Vice-Chairman Ellis, Commissioners: Thorne, Barrett, Ivory; County Manager Dick Anderson; County Attorney Y. Soo Jo; Chief Information Officer Kevin Kerrigan; and Clerk to the Commission Tonya R. Grier. Commissioners Arrington and Abdur-Rahman were absent.enter into executive sessionPass Action details Video Video
25-0140 1  Executive SessionExecutive (CLOSED) Sessions regarding litigation (County Attorney), real estate (County Manager), and personnel (Pitts). (APPROVED) PRESENT IN THE EXECUTIVE SESSION REGARDING LITIGATION, REAL ESTATE, PERSONNEL AND CYBER SECURITY: Chairman Pitts, Vice-Chairman Ellis, Commissioners: Thorne, Barrett, Ivory; County Manager Dick Anderson; County Attorney Y. Soo Jo; Chief Information Officer Kevin Kerrigan; and Clerk to the Commission Tonya R. Grier. Commissioners Arrington and Abdur-Rahman were absent.approvePass Action details Video Video
25-0140 1  Executive SessionExecutive (CLOSED) Sessions regarding litigation (County Attorney), real estate (County Manager), and personnel (Pitts). (APPROVED) PRESENT IN THE EXECUTIVE SESSION REGARDING LITIGATION, REAL ESTATE, PERSONNEL AND CYBER SECURITY: Chairman Pitts, Vice-Chairman Ellis, Commissioners: Thorne, Barrett, Ivory; County Manager Dick Anderson; County Attorney Y. Soo Jo; Chief Information Officer Kevin Kerrigan; and Clerk to the Commission Tonya R. Grier. Commissioners Arrington and Abdur-Rahman were absent.approvePass Action details Video Video