Meeting Name: Board of Commissioners Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 7/12/2023 10:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Assembly Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra1: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet Meeting Extra2: Post Agenda Post Agenda  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
23-0436 1  Consent - Board of CommissionersAdoption of the Consent Agenda - All matters listed on the Consent Agenda are considered routine by the County Commission and will be enacted by one motion. No separate discussion will take place on these items. If discussion of any Consent Agenda item is desired, the item will be moved to the Regular Meeting Agenda for separate consideration. (ADOPTED)adoptPass Action details Video Video
23-0437 1  Consent - Board of CommissionersProclamations for Spreading on the Minutes. (SPREAD ON THE MINUTES UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) Proclamation recognizing "Lester Caldwell, III Remembrance Day." (Arrington) May 20, 2023 Proclamation recognizing "Bennie Anderson Remembrance Day." (Hall) June 20, 2023 Proclamation recognizing "Sheriff Melody M. Maddox Appreciation Day." (Hall) June 24, 2023 Proclamation recognizing "DA Fani T. Willis Appreciation Day." (Hall) June 24, 2023 Proclamation recognizing "KIPP WAYS Academy Family and Friends Appreciation Day." (Abdur-Rahman) June 24, 2023 Proclamation recognizing "The Honorable Cathelene Tina Robinson Appreciation Day." (Abdur-Rahman/BOC) June 30, 2023 Proclamation recognizing "Pastor Wayne C. Thompson Remembrance Day." (Pitts) June 30, 2023 Proclamation recognizing "Sistagraphy Appreciation Day." (Arrington) July 3, 2023 Proclamation recognizing "Dorothy Underwood Appreciation Day." (Arrington) July 24, 2023   Action details Not available
23-0438 1  Consent - Board of CommissionersFULTON COUNTY HIV/AIDS PREVENTION, CARE, AND POLICY ADVISORY COMMITTEE (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) The Advisory Committee shall have the following members: Each Commissioner shall appoint two members. Such appointees shall be residents of or work in Fulton County, and shall have experience or expertise in public health, HIV prevention and/or care, or be otherwise deemed qualified to serve as an advisory committee member. The Advisory Committee has the discretion to create subcommittees to assist it with the assigned tasks. The members of these subcommittees do not have to fulfill the residency restrictions imposed on the appointed members of the Advisory Committee. Appointees to the Advisory Committee shall serve three-year terms at the discretion of the appointing Commissioner, and members may continue to serve beyond his/her term until a successor is appointed. Term = 3 Years Terms below expired: June 7, 2023 Ken Adcox (Hausmann) Zina M. Age (Carn) Daniel D. Driffin (Arrington) Robert (Bob) W. Gibeling (Morris) Jeff Graham (Pitts) Matt Pieper (Ellis   Action details Not available
23-0439 1  Consent - Board of CommissionersFULTON COUNTY REPARATIONS TASK FORCE (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) The Reparations Task Force shall have the following members: Each Commissioner shall appoint two (2) members, for a total of 14 members. Each member shall be a resident of Fulton County at the time of the appointment. A member shall serve for a two-year term and subject to removal by the appointing Commissioner for cause. No member's term shall exceed that of the appointing Commissioner but shall remain as a voting member until replaced or reappointed by the successive Commissioner. Term = 2 Years Terms below expire: 12/31/2023 Elon Butts Osby (Morris) Marcus Coleman (Arrington) Tamika Jackson (Pitts) Dr. Bernice King (Hall) Rodney Littles (Abdur-Rahman) Amanda Meng (Barrett) Mike Russell (Thorne) Michael Simanga (Abdur-Rahman) Dr. Karcheik Sims-Alvarado (Hall) Shanti Vissa (Resigned) (Vacant) (Hausmann) Commissioner Thorne nominated Donté L. Thompson to replace Shanti Vissa for a District appointment to an unexpired term ending December 31, 2023.   Action details Not available
23-0440 1  Consent - Board of CommissionersANIMAL WELFARE HEARING BOARD (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) The Animal Welfare Hearing Board shall consist of seven (7) members appointed by the Board of Commissioners. Each Commissioner shall appoint one member to serve for two years. Thereafter, all members may be appointed for an additional term of three years and until their successors are appointed. Term = 2 Years/3 Years Terms below expire: 12/31/2023 Al McDaniel (Resigned) (Morris) K.E. Levy (Pitts) Ms. Kathy Crawford (Hall) Commissioner Barrett nominated Katie Factor to replace Al McDaniel for a District appointment to an unexpired term ending December 31, 2023.   Action details Not available
23-0441 1  Consent - Open & Responsible GovernmentRatification of June 2023 Grants Activity Report. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA)   Action details Not available
23-0442 1  Consent - Health and Human ServicesRequest approval of a Resolution appointing the GY2023-GY2024 Metropolitan Atlanta HIV Health Services Planning Council members by Chairman Robb Pitts in his role as the Chief Elected Official for purposes of the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA)   Action details Not available
23-0443 1  Consent - Justice and SafetyRequest approval to renew an existing contract - Juvenile Court, 22RFP048A-CJC, Specific Evidence-Based Delinquency Prevention Programming in the amount up to $384,860.00 with Evidence-Base Associates, LLC (Powder Springs, GA) to provide ART-Aggressive Replacement Therapy; Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT); Functional Family Therapy (FFT) and Multisystemic Therapy (MST). This action exercises the first of two renewal options. One renewal option remains. Effective July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024. 100% Grant funded. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA)   Action details Not available
23-0444 1  Consent - Justice and SafetyRequest approval of an award without competition - District Attorney, 2022 Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), Office of Justice Programs (OJP), Community Based Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative, Award Number 15PBJA-22-GG-04732-CVIP with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes named as a sub-awardee in the Grant in an amount not to exceed $172,116.00. Effective upon BOC approval through the term of the Grant. 100% grant funded. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA)   Action details Not available
23-0445 1  Consent - Justice and SafetyRequest approval of an award without competition - District Attorney, 2022 Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), Office of Justice Programs (OJP), Community Based Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative, Award Number 15PBJA-22-GG-04732-CVIP with Up Therapy and Publications, LLC named as a sub-awardee in the Grant in an amount not to exceed $172,116.00. Effective upon BOC approval through the term of the Grant. 100% grant funded. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA)   Action details Not available
23-0446 1  Consent - Justice and SafetyRequest approval of an award without competition - District Attorney, 2022 Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), Office of Justice Programs (OJP), Community Based Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative, Award Number 15PBJA-22-GG-04732-CVIP with Atlanta Police Foundation named as a sub-awardee in the Grant in an amount not to exceed $171,000.00. Effective upon BOC approval through the term of the Grant. 100% grant funded. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA)   Action details Not available
23-0447 1  Consent - Justice and SafetyRequest approval of an award without competition - District Attorney, Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) BJA National Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (SAKI) Grant, Grant Award No. 15PBJA-21-GG-04323-SAKI, with the Atlanta Police Department named as a sub-awardee in the Grant in an amount not to exceed $744,802.20. Effective upon BOC approval through the term of the Grant. 100% grant funded. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA)   Action details Not available
23-0448 1  Consent - Justice and SafetyRequest approval of an award without competition - District Attorney, 2022 Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), Office of Justice Programs (OJP), Community Based Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative, Award Number 15PBJA-22-GG-04732-CVIP with CHRIS 180 named as a sub-awardee in the Grant in an amount not to exceed $171,000.00. Effective upon BOC approval through the term of the Grant. 100% grant funded. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA)   Action details Not available
23-0449 1  Commissioners Action ItemAdoption of the Regular Meeting Agenda. (ADOPTED AS AMENDED)adopt as amendedPass Action details Video Video
23-0450 1  Commissioners Action ItemRatification of Minutes. (RATIFIED) Regular Meeting Minutes, June 7, 2023 Recess Meeting Post Agenda Minutes, June 21, 2023 Special Called Meeting Post Agenda Minutes, June 21, 2023ratifyPass Action details Video Video
23-0451 1  Commissioners Presentation/DiscussionPresentation of Proclamations and Certificates. (PRESENTED) Proclamation recognizing "Dr. Joseph Henry Beasley Appreciation Day." (Arrington) Proclamation recognizing "Muslim American Heritage Month." (Abdur-Rahman/Pitts/ Ellis/Thorne/ Barrett/Hall)   Action details Video Video
23-0452 1  Public HearingsPublic Comment - Citizens are allowed to voice County related opinions, concerns, requests, etc. during the Public Comment portion of the Commission meeting. Priority for public comment will be given to Fulton County citizens and those individuals representing businesses or organizations located within Fulton County, including their employees, whether such persons are commenting in-person, via emails or via Zoom or other electronic media (i.e., phone call). Non-Fulton County citizens will only be heard after all in-person Fulton County citizens, representatives of business and organizations located within Fulton County, including their employees, have been heard and the time allotted for public comment has not expired, except as otherwise provided in this code section. County staff shall verify the residency of each public speaker prior to such person being heard by the board. Speakers will be granted up to two minutes each. Members of the public will not be allowed to yield or donate time to other speakers. The Public Comment portion of the meeting will not exceed 30 minutes at the    Action details Video Video
23-0453 1  CM Action Item - Open & Responsible GovernmentPresentation of the Fulton County Operational Report. (PRESENTED)   Action details Video Video
23-0454 1  CM Action Item - Open & Responsible GovernmentRequest approval of a Resolution setting proposed 2023 Millage Rates for the General Fund at 9.3724 mills in accordance with O.C.G.A. § 48-5-32.1(A)(9); authorizing advertisement of the proposed General Fund millage rate of 9.3724 mills along with the five-year millage rate history and advertisement of the dates for the required public hearings; authorizing the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners to sign the pending appeals - for properties other than public utilities for the tax year 2023 to allow the Digest to be submitted to the State Department of Revenue; and Authorizing the County Attorney to petition the Superior Court of Fulton County for an order authorizing the immediate and temporary collection of 2023 taxes pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 48-5-310, if it becomes necessary. (APPROVED AS AMENDED)approveFail Action details Video Video
23-0454 1  CM Action Item - Open & Responsible GovernmentRequest approval of a Resolution setting proposed 2023 Millage Rates for the General Fund at 9.3724 mills in accordance with O.C.G.A. § 48-5-32.1(A)(9); authorizing advertisement of the proposed General Fund millage rate of 9.3724 mills along with the five-year millage rate history and advertisement of the dates for the required public hearings; authorizing the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners to sign the pending appeals - for properties other than public utilities for the tax year 2023 to allow the Digest to be submitted to the State Department of Revenue; and Authorizing the County Attorney to petition the Superior Court of Fulton County for an order authorizing the immediate and temporary collection of 2023 taxes pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 48-5-310, if it becomes necessary. (APPROVED AS AMENDED)approveFail Action details Video Video
23-0454 1  CM Action Item - Open & Responsible GovernmentRequest approval of a Resolution setting proposed 2023 Millage Rates for the General Fund at 9.3724 mills in accordance with O.C.G.A. § 48-5-32.1(A)(9); authorizing advertisement of the proposed General Fund millage rate of 9.3724 mills along with the five-year millage rate history and advertisement of the dates for the required public hearings; authorizing the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners to sign the pending appeals - for properties other than public utilities for the tax year 2023 to allow the Digest to be submitted to the State Department of Revenue; and Authorizing the County Attorney to petition the Superior Court of Fulton County for an order authorizing the immediate and temporary collection of 2023 taxes pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 48-5-310, if it becomes necessary. (APPROVED AS AMENDED)approve  Action details Video Video
23-0454 1  CM Action Item - Open & Responsible GovernmentRequest approval of a Resolution setting proposed 2023 Millage Rates for the General Fund at 9.3724 mills in accordance with O.C.G.A. § 48-5-32.1(A)(9); authorizing advertisement of the proposed General Fund millage rate of 9.3724 mills along with the five-year millage rate history and advertisement of the dates for the required public hearings; authorizing the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners to sign the pending appeals - for properties other than public utilities for the tax year 2023 to allow the Digest to be submitted to the State Department of Revenue; and Authorizing the County Attorney to petition the Superior Court of Fulton County for an order authorizing the immediate and temporary collection of 2023 taxes pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 48-5-310, if it becomes necessary. (APPROVED AS AMENDED)approvePass Action details Video Video
23-0455 1  CM Action Item - Open & Responsible GovernmentRequest approval of July 12, 2023 Budget Soundings. (APPROVED)approvePass Action details Video Video
23-0158 1  CM Action Item - Open & Responsible GovernmentRequest approval of the proposed plan design to extend a childcare/elder care benefit to eligible employees as part of Fulton County’s benefits package. (APPROVED AS AMENDED) Request approval of an agreement with in an amount not exceed $632,000.00 for a term of 12 months, effective from August 1, 2023 to July 31, 2024, with no renewals to implement the proposed plan design to extend a childcare/dependent care benefit to eligible employees as part of Fulton County’s benefit package. To protect the interests of the County, the County Attorney is authorized to approve the agreement as to form and make any necessary modifications thereto prior to execution by the Chair.approvePass Action details Video Video
23-0456 1  CM Action Item - Open & Responsible GovernmentRequest approval of revisions to the Lateral Transfer Policy - 317-16. (APPROVED)approvePass Action details Video Video
23-0457 1  CM Action Item - Open & Responsible GovernmentRequest approval for Fiscal Agent Agreement between Fulton County, Georgia for the benefit of, and on behalf of, the Fulton County Reparations Taskforce with Atlanta University Center Consortium (AUCC) to facilitate the study of empirical data on behalf of the Fulton County Reparations Taskforce. Amount $210,000.00. Effective upon approval and continue through December 31, 2023, but subject to automatic renewal from January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024, unless sooner terminated. The County Attorney is authorized to approve the Agreement as to form and to make necessary modifications thereto prior to execution. (APPROVED AS AMENDED)approvePass Action details Video Video
23-0457 1  CM Action Item - Open & Responsible GovernmentRequest approval for Fiscal Agent Agreement between Fulton County, Georgia for the benefit of, and on behalf of, the Fulton County Reparations Taskforce with Atlanta University Center Consortium (AUCC) to facilitate the study of empirical data on behalf of the Fulton County Reparations Taskforce. Amount $210,000.00. Effective upon approval and continue through December 31, 2023, but subject to automatic renewal from January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024, unless sooner terminated. The County Attorney is authorized to approve the Agreement as to form and to make necessary modifications thereto prior to execution. (APPROVED AS AMENDED)call the questionFail Action details Video Video
23-0457 1  CM Action Item - Open & Responsible GovernmentRequest approval for Fiscal Agent Agreement between Fulton County, Georgia for the benefit of, and on behalf of, the Fulton County Reparations Taskforce with Atlanta University Center Consortium (AUCC) to facilitate the study of empirical data on behalf of the Fulton County Reparations Taskforce. Amount $210,000.00. Effective upon approval and continue through December 31, 2023, but subject to automatic renewal from January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024, unless sooner terminated. The County Attorney is authorized to approve the Agreement as to form and to make necessary modifications thereto prior to execution. (APPROVED AS AMENDED)call the questionPass Action details Video Video
23-0458 1  CM Action Item - Open & Responsible GovernmentRequest approval to increase the spending authority - Department of Real Estate and Asset Management, 22ITB134621K-JAJ, Roof Maintenance, Repair, and Replacement Services Countywide, in the amount of $494,624.40 with Ideal Building Solutions, LLC (Norcross, GA), to provide replacement and installation of new roof system at the Evelyn G. Lowrey Library at Cascade located at 3665 Cascade Road, Atlanta, GA 30312. Effective upon BOC approval until satisfactory completion as determined by Fulton County. (APPROVED)approvePass Action details Video Video
23-0459 1  CM Action Item - Arts and LibrariesRequest approval of five (5) contracts related to the FY2023 Special Projects Commissioner Initiatives Arts Funding recommendations totaling $134,000.00 for the following organizations: Alpharetta Symphony Orchestra ($9,000.00), Music South Corporation, d/b/a African American Philharmonic Orchestra ($15,000.00), Music Education Group ($75,000.00), Johns Creek Symphony Orchestra ($20,000.00), and Q. Parker Legacy Foundation ($15,000.00). Funds have been identified and are available in the Department of Arts & Culture’s FY 2023 budget. (APPROVED)..body (APPROVEDapprovePass Action details Video Video
23-0460 1  CM Action Item - Health and Human ServicesRequest approval to increase the spending authority - Senior Services, 23RFP137278A-CJC - Comprehensive Nutrition Care in an amount not to exceed $1,134,963.80 with Open Hand Atlanta, Inc. (Atlanta, GA) to provide congregate and home delivered meals, meal delivery, nutrition education and nutrition counseling for Fulton County residents aged 60 and above. Effective upon BOC approval. (APPROVED)approvePass Action details Video Video
23-0461 1  CM Action Item - Justice and SafetyRequest approval to increase the spending authority, State Court, Substance Use Disorder (“SUD”) monitoring in the amount of $180,000.00 with Avertest, LLC, (Richmond, VA) to provide SUD monitoring services delivered via Aversys, a proprietary web-based application, drug testing services and products for the Fulton County DUI Treatment Court. Effective January 1, 2023 to September 25, 2023. (REMOVED) ITEM REMOVED FROM THE REGULAR MEETING AGENDA   Action details Not available
23-0383 1  Commissioners Action ItemRequest approval of an Ordinance to amend Chapter 101 (General Provisions and County Governing Authority), Article 2 (County Governing Authority), Division 2 (Rules of Order and Procedure), Section 101-66 (b)(1) of the Fulton County Code of Ordinances in order to impose a distribution requirement before a member of the Fulton County Board of Commissioners may place a proposed Resolution or Ordinance on the Agenda for consideration or final vote; to require that the proposed Resolution or Ordinance appear as a discussion item at the first meeting in which it is introduced and voted on at the second meeting; and for other purposes. (Arrington) (HELD ON 6/7/23, 6/21/23 AND 7/12/23) (HELD) ITEM HELD AS REQUESTED BY COMMISSIONER ARRINGTONholdPass Action details Video Video
23-0384 1  Commissioners Action ItemRequest approval of an Ordinance to amend Chapter 101 (General Provisions and County Governing Authority), Article 2 (County Governing Authority), Division I (Generally), to create a new section 101-75 of the Fulton County Code of Laws to provide a fair, open and transparent procedure for the Board of Commissioners to make Full Board Appointments to various Boards, Commissions, Taskforces, Committees, Councils and Authorities affiliated with, or operating on behalf of Fulton County, Georgia; and for other purposes. (Arrington) (HELD ON 6/7/23, 6/21/23 AND 7/12/23)holdPass Action details Video Video
23-0462 1  Commissioners Action ItemRequest approval of a Resolution to exercise Fulton County's Home Rule Powers to amend Local Law 2019 Ga. L. 4181 to clarify the process for appointing members of the Fulton County Board of Registration and Elections (BRE); and for other purposes. (Arrington) (FILED)approve  Action details Video Video
23-0462 1  Commissioners Action ItemRequest approval of a Resolution to exercise Fulton County's Home Rule Powers to amend Local Law 2019 Ga. L. 4181 to clarify the process for appointing members of the Fulton County Board of Registration and Elections (BRE); and for other purposes. (Arrington) (FILED)tablePass Action details Video Video
23-0462 1  Commissioners Action ItemRequest approval of a Resolution to exercise Fulton County's Home Rule Powers to amend Local Law 2019 Ga. L. 4181 to clarify the process for appointing members of the Fulton County Board of Registration and Elections (BRE); and for other purposes. (Arrington) (FILED)approve  Action details Video Video
23-0431 1  Commissioners Action ItemRequest approval of an Ordinance to amend Chapter 101 (General Provisions and County Governing Authority), Article II (County Governing Authority Division 1 (Generally), subsection 101-38(a) of the Fulton County Code of Resolutions relating to budgetary controls for members of the Board of Commissioners to provide for the inclusion of paid interns as a permissible use of Commissioners' budgets, and for other purposes. (Hall) (MOTION TO APPROVE FAILED ON 6/21/23) (DENIED)approve  Action details Video Video
23-0431 1  Commissioners Action ItemRequest approval of an Ordinance to amend Chapter 101 (General Provisions and County Governing Authority), Article II (County Governing Authority Division 1 (Generally), subsection 101-38(a) of the Fulton County Code of Resolutions relating to budgetary controls for members of the Board of Commissioners to provide for the inclusion of paid interns as a permissible use of Commissioners' budgets, and for other purposes. (Hall) (MOTION TO APPROVE FAILED ON 6/21/23) (DENIED)denyPass Action details Video Video
23-0463 1  Commissioners Action ItemRequest approval of an Ordinance to amend the General Provisions and County Governing Authority to create a new Section 101-76 of the Fulton County Code of Laws to define and provide a procedure for the Board of Commissioners to make District nominations to the various Bords, Commissions, Taskforces, Committees, Councils and Authorities affiliated with, or operating on behalf of Fulton County, Georgia; and for other purposes. (Barrett) (HELD ON 7/12/23)holdPass Action details Video Video
23-0464 1  Commissioners Action ItemRequest approval of a Resolution authorizing the County Manager and the County Attorney to negotiate and present to the Board of Commissioners an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between Fulton County, Georgia, the City of Atlanta, Georgia, and the Atlanta Board of Education to share in the costs related to an independent audit of the appraised value of certain commercial properties located within Fulton County, Georgia, and for other purposes. (Barrett) (HELD ON 7/12/23)approve  Action details Video Video
23-0464 1  Commissioners Action ItemRequest approval of a Resolution authorizing the County Manager and the County Attorney to negotiate and present to the Board of Commissioners an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between Fulton County, Georgia, the City of Atlanta, Georgia, and the Atlanta Board of Education to share in the costs related to an independent audit of the appraised value of certain commercial properties located within Fulton County, Georgia, and for other purposes. (Barrett) (HELD ON 7/12/23)holdPass Action details Video Video
23-0465 1  Commissioners Action ItemRequest approval of a Resolution amending Resolution #22-0546 to authorize the donation of $500,000.00 to the Atlanta Technical College Foundation, Inc. (“The ATC Foundation”) instead of the Atlanta Technical College (“ATC”) to reflect the donation to the foundation to support ATC’s expansion of its commercial driver’s license program (the “program”) in Fulton County, Georgia, to enhance economic opportunities for the citizens of Fulton County, Georgia; directing the County Manager and County Attorney to negotiate a contract between Fulton County and the ATC Foundation regarding the use of said funds for the program; authorizing the Fulton County Finance Department to expend such funds after the County Manager identifies the source of said funding under the approved County budget; and for other purposes. (Pitts) (APPROVED AS AMENDED)approvePass Action details Video Video
23-0466 1  CM Presentation - Open & Responsible GovernmentPresentation of Fulton County’s new Mental Health Resiliency Program. (HELD ON 7/12/23) (REMOVED) ITEM REMOVED FROM THE REGULAR MEETING AGENDA AS REQUESTED BY THE COUNTY MANAGER   Action details Video Video
23-0467 1  Commissioners Presentation/DiscussionDiscussion: Open and Transparent Government (Thorne) (HELD ON 7/12/23 AND 8/2/23) (DISCUSSED)   Action details Video Video
23-0468 1  Commissioners Presentation/DiscussionDiscussion: Ordinance to Amend the Rules of Order and Procedure of the Fulton County Code of Ordnances to change the Recess Meeting on the third Wednesday of each month to a Committee of the Whole Work Session; to define the rules for the Committee of the Whole Work Session; to change the process for adding items to the Regular Agenda of the Regular Meetings; and for other purposes. (Barrett) (HELD ON 8/2/23)   Action details Video Video
23-0469 1  Executive SessionExecutive (CLOSED) Sessions regarding litigation (County Attorney), real estate (County Manager), and personnel (Pitts). (APPROVED) PRESENT IN THE EXECUTIVE SESSION REGARDING LITIGATION, REAL ESTATE AND PERSONNEL: Chairman Pitts, Vice-Chairman Ellis, Commissioners: Thorne, Barrett, Hall, Arrington, and Abdur-Rahman; County Manager Dick Anderson; County Attorney Y. Soo Jo; and Clerk to the Commission Tonya R. Grier.enter into executive sessionPass Action details Video Video
23-0469 1  Executive SessionExecutive (CLOSED) Sessions regarding litigation (County Attorney), real estate (County Manager), and personnel (Pitts). (APPROVED) PRESENT IN THE EXECUTIVE SESSION REGARDING LITIGATION, REAL ESTATE AND PERSONNEL: Chairman Pitts, Vice-Chairman Ellis, Commissioners: Thorne, Barrett, Hall, Arrington, and Abdur-Rahman; County Manager Dick Anderson; County Attorney Y. Soo Jo; and Clerk to the Commission Tonya R. Grier.approvePass Action details Video Video
23-0469 1  Executive SessionExecutive (CLOSED) Sessions regarding litigation (County Attorney), real estate (County Manager), and personnel (Pitts). (APPROVED) PRESENT IN THE EXECUTIVE SESSION REGARDING LITIGATION, REAL ESTATE AND PERSONNEL: Chairman Pitts, Vice-Chairman Ellis, Commissioners: Thorne, Barrett, Hall, Arrington, and Abdur-Rahman; County Manager Dick Anderson; County Attorney Y. Soo Jo; and Clerk to the Commission Tonya R. Grier.approvePass Action details Video Video
23-0469 1  Executive SessionExecutive (CLOSED) Sessions regarding litigation (County Attorney), real estate (County Manager), and personnel (Pitts). (APPROVED) PRESENT IN THE EXECUTIVE SESSION REGARDING LITIGATION, REAL ESTATE AND PERSONNEL: Chairman Pitts, Vice-Chairman Ellis, Commissioners: Thorne, Barrett, Hall, Arrington, and Abdur-Rahman; County Manager Dick Anderson; County Attorney Y. Soo Jo; and Clerk to the Commission Tonya R. Grier.approvePass Action details Video Video
23-0469 1  Executive SessionExecutive (CLOSED) Sessions regarding litigation (County Attorney), real estate (County Manager), and personnel (Pitts). (APPROVED) PRESENT IN THE EXECUTIVE SESSION REGARDING LITIGATION, REAL ESTATE AND PERSONNEL: Chairman Pitts, Vice-Chairman Ellis, Commissioners: Thorne, Barrett, Hall, Arrington, and Abdur-Rahman; County Manager Dick Anderson; County Attorney Y. Soo Jo; and Clerk to the Commission Tonya R. Grier.approvePass Action details Video Video