Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Board of Commissioners Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 1/22/2025 10:00 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available Meeting Extra1: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet Meeting Extra2: Not available  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
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25-0047 1  Consent - Board of CommissionersAdoption of the Consent Agenda - All matters listed on the Consent Agenda are considered routine by the County Commission and will be enacted by one motion. No separate discussion will take place on these items. If discussion of any Consent Agenda item is desired, the item will be moved to the Second Regular Meeting Agenda for separate consideration. (ADOPTED)   Not available Not available
25-0048 1  Consent - Board of CommissionersProclamations for Spreading on the Minutes. (SPREAD ON THE MINUTES UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) Proclamation recognizing “Braylen Ava Hollis Remembrance Day.” (Arrington) January 11, 2025 Proclamation recognizing “Campbell Stone Senior Living Facility Appreciation Day.” (Pitts) January 16, 2025 Proclamation recognizing “Lucy Sharpe Appreciation Day.” (Abdur-Rahman) January 21, 2025   Not available Not available
25-0049 1  Consent - Board of CommissionersCOMMISSION ON ELDER AFFAIRS (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) Seven (7) appointees by the Board of Commissioners (one for each District); three (3) appointees from each of the non-profit umbrella agencies, which the County contracts with for aging services; and three (3) senior citizens elected by seniors in the three geographical areas of the County. The terms of such members appointed by the Board of Commissioners shall end at the end of the term of the appointing District Commissioner. Such members may continue to serve beyond his/her term until a successor is appointed. Term = Shall end at the end of the term of the appointing District Commissioner Term below expires: 12/31/2026 Vacant (Arrington) Commissioner Arrington nominated Vanessa Burton for a District appointment to an unexpired term ending December 31, 2026.   Not available Not available
25-0050 1  Consent - Board of CommissionersCOMMISSION ON ELDER AFFAIRS (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) Term = Members' terms shall end at the end of the term of the appointing District Commissioner. Such members may continue to serve beyond his/her term until a successor is appointed. Term below expired: 12/31/2024 Beth Cayce (Ellis) Vice-Chairman Ellis nominated Beth Cayce for a District reappointment to a term ending December 31, 2028.   Not available Not available
25-0051 1  Consent - Board of CommissionersBELTLINE TAX ALLOCATION DISTRICT (TAD) ADVISORY COMMITTEE (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) Fulton County Board of Commissioners is responsible for appointing 10 members. Term = 2 years, with such term commencing upon approval of the Atlanta City Council. No member shall serve more that 3 consecutive 2 year terms Term below expired: 12/31/2023 Gabriel Sterling (Ellis) Vice-Chairman Ellis nominated Chris Copenhaver for a District appointment to a two-year term, commencing upon approval of the Atlanta City Council.   Not available Not available
25-0052 1  Consent - Board of CommissionersANIMAL WELFARE HEARING BOARD (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) The Animal Welfare Hearing Board shall consist of seven (7) members appointed by the Board of Commissioners. Each Commissioner shall appoint one member to serve for two years. Thereafter, all members may be appointed for an additional term of three years and until their successors are appointed. Term = 2 Years/3 Years Term below expired: 12/31/2024 Vivien Dumford (Ellis) Vice-Chairman Ellis nominated Vivien Dumford for a District reappointment to a term ending December 31, 2027.   Not available Not available
25-0053 1  Consent - Board of CommissionersFULTON COUNTY CITIZENS COMMISSION ON THE ENVIRONMENT (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) The Fulton County Citizens Commission on the Environment shall consist of citizens from throughout Fulton County to be appointed by the Members of the Board of Commissioners. There shall be fourteen (14) members to serve on the Commission. In making such appointments, the Fulton County Board of Commissioners shall ensure that the terms of appointment are staggered. Each District Commissioner shall appoint one Commission member to a four (4) year term. Each District Commissioner shall also appoint one Commission member to a two (2) year term to ensure staggered terms. After the expiration of each appointee’s initial term, the regular term of office for such an appointee shall be four (4) years. No term of any member shall extend beyond the term of the District Commissioner who appointed the member to serve on the Fulton County Citizens Commission on the Environment; however, each member may continue to serve beyond his/her term until replaced. After the expiration of any appo   Not available Not available
25-0054 1  Consent - Board of CommissionersFULTON COUNTY CITIZENS COMMISSION ON THE ENVIRONMENT (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) Term = 4 Years, staggered Terms below expired: 12/31/2024 Allison Keefer (Ellis) Stacy Seidel (Ellis) Vice-Chairman Ellis nominated Stacy Seidel for a District reappointment to a term ending December 31, 2025.   Not available Not available
25-0055 1  Consent - Board of CommissionersFULTON COUNTY CITIZENS COMMISSION ON THE ENVIRONMENT (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) Term = 4 Years, staggered Term below expired: 12/31/2024 Danyell Little (Pitts) Chairman Pitts nominated Danyell Little for a District reappointment to a term ending December 31, 2025.   Not available Not available
25-0056 1  Consent - Board of CommissionersFULTON COUNTY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) The Board of Zoning Appeals shall consist of seven (7) members appointed by the Board of Commissioners of Fulton County. The term of each member shall coincide with that of the District Commissioner who appointed the member to serve on the Board of Zoning Appeals. Any vacancy in the membership shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as the initial appointment. Members shall be removable for cause by the Board of Commissioners of Fulton County upon written charges and after a public hearing. The members of the Board shall be compensated as fixed by the Board of Commissioners of Fulton County. None of the members shall hold any other public office or position in Fulton County, except that one member may also be a member of the Fulton County Community Zoning Board. Term = The term of each member shall coincide with that of the District Commissioner who appointed the member to serve on the Board of Zoning Appeals. Term below expired: 12/31/2024 Kent Walker (Ellis) Vice-Chair   Not available Not available
25-0057 1  Consent - Board of CommissionersCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) ALLOCATION PROCESS CITIZEN REVIEW PANEL (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) The CDBG Allocation Process Citizen Review Panel shall consist of fourteen (14) citizens. Each Commissioner shall appoint two (2) members from his/her district for a two (2) year term, subject to ratification by the Board of Commissioners. Such term shall not extend beyond the term set for the Commissioner who made the appointment. Panel members may be reappointed to serve additional terms. Term = 2 years Term below expired: 12/31/2018 Vacant (Arrington) Commissioner Arrington nominated Paulette DeVaughn for a District appointment to a term ending December 31, 2026.   Not available Not available
25-0058 1  Consent - Board of CommissionersFULTON COUNTY HOMELESS CONTINUUM OF CARE (CoC) (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) One (1) representative will be nominated by each of the Commission Districts for a total of seven (7) members; this includes one representative from District 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Each representative will serve a two-year term and could be re-appointed to serve additional terms. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no term of any member nominated by a District Commissioner shall extend beyond the term of the District Commissioner who nominates that member. Term = 2 Years Term below expired: 12/31/2024 Chris Portis (Arrington) Commissioner Arrington nominated Chris Portis for a District reappointment to a term ending December 31, 2026.   Not available Not available
25-0059 1  Consent - Board of CommissionersCOMMISSION ON DISABILITY AFFAIRS (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) The Commission on Disability Affairs shall consist of a total of sixteen (16) members to serve staggered two (2) year terms and appointed as follows: Each member of the Board of Commissioners shall appoint two (2) members; one of them said appointees shall have an initial term, of one (1) year; No term of any member shall extend beyond the term of the District Commissioner who appointed the member to serve on the Commission for Disability Affairs; The Commission on Disability Affairs shall appoint two (2) members, who receive the consent of the majority of the members of the Commission on Disability Affairs and one (1) of the appointees shall have an initial term of one (1) year. The Commission on Disability Affairs appointees shall be made for the purpose of maintaining diversity. Term = Staggered two (2) year terms Term below expired: 12/31/2024 Gloria Weaver (Pitts) Chairman Pitts nominated Gloria Weaver for a District reappointment to a term ending December 31, 2026.   Not available Not available
25-0060 1  Consent - Board of CommissionersFULTON COUNTY ARTS COUNCIL (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) The Arts Council shall be composed of fifteen (15) residents of the county. Initially, each member of the Board of Commissioners shall appoint two persons to serve on the council, one person to serve for a one-year term and one person to serve a two-year term. No term of any member shall extend beyond the term of the District Commissioner who appointed the member to serve on the Arts Council Board; thereafter, each year, each member of the Board of Commissioners shall appoint one member for a two-year term. Each member may continue to serve beyond his/her term until replaced. The Chairman of the Arts Council shall be appointed to a two-year term by a majority vote of the Board of Commissioners. The Council shall elect a vice-Chairman and a secretary from its membership. Term = 2 years Term below expired: 12/31/2024 Nikki D. Crump (Pitts) Chairman Pitts nominated Nikki D. Crump for a District reappointment to a term ending December 31, 2026.   Not available Not available
25-0061 1  Consent - Board of CommissionersFULTON COUNTY VETERANS’ EMPOWERMENT COMMISSION, INC. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA) The Veterans Commission shall have the following members: Each Commissioner shall appoint two (2) members. Such appointees shall be residents of, or work in Fulton County and shall have military experience or expertise in the areas affecting military veterans. Veterans Commission shall serve three (3) year terms, with such term subject to the discretion of the appointing Commissioner, who can remove a member for cause, otherwise such member may continue to serve beyond his/her term until a successor is appointed. Term = 3 Years Term below expired: 12/31/2024 Vacant (Pitts) Chairman Pitts nominated Roger Wise, Jr. for a District appointment to a term ending December 31, 2027.   Not available Not available
25-0062 1  Consent - Open & Responsible GovernmentRequest approval of a Water Vault Easement Dedication of 120 square feet to Fulton County, a political subdivision of the State of Georgia, from H&M Alpharetta, LLC, owner, for the purpose of constructing the Fifth Third Bank Project at 4305 State Bridge Road Rear, Alpharetta, Georgia 30022. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA)   Not available Not available
25-0063 1  Consent - Open & Responsible GovernmentRequest approval of a Sanitary Sewer System Ownership, Operation, Maintenance, and Repair Agreement between Fulton County, a political subdivision of the State of Georgia, and AG EHC II (EMP) MULTI STATE 2, LLC, for the purpose of granting Fulton County legal access to extend and maintain the sanitary sewer system at 3000 Hembree Road, Alpharetta, Georgia 30009 (the Development). (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA)   Not available Not available
25-0064 1  Consent - Open & Responsible GovernmentRatification of December 2024 Grants Activity Report. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA)   Not available Not available
25-0065 1  Consent - Justice and SafetyRequest approval of an agreement and partnership between the Fulton County Solicitor General's Office and the City of Atlanta for the sharing of criminal case records from the City's Court Case Management system to the Fulton County Courts Management system through a middleware solution. (APPROVED UPON ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA)   Not available Not available
25-0066 1  Second Regular Meeting - BOCAdoption of the Second Regular Meeting Agenda. (ADOPTED AS AMENDED)   Not available Not available
25-0067 1  Second Regular Meeting - BOCRatification of Minutes. (RATIFIED) Second Regular Meeting Minutes, December 18, 2024 First Regular Meeting Post Agenda Minutes, January 8, 2025   Not available Not available
25-0068 1  Second Regular Meeting - BOCPresentation of Proclamations and Certificates. (PRESENTED) Proclamation recognizing “Medicolegal Death Investigations Professionals Week.” (Ellis/BOC)   Not available Not available
25-0069 1  Public HearingsPublic Comment - Citizens are allowed to voice County related opinions, concerns, requests, etc. during the Public Comment portion of the Commission meeting. Priority for public comment will be given to Fulton County citizens and those individuals representing businesses or organizations located within Fulton County, including their employees, whether such persons are commenting in-person, via emails or via Zoom or other electronic media (i.e., phone call). Non-Fulton County citizens will only be heard after all in-person Fulton County citizens, representatives of business and organizations located within Fulton County, including their employees, have been heard and the time allotted for public comment has not expired, except as otherwise provided in this code section. County staff shall verify the residency of each public speaker prior to such person being heard by the board. Speakers will be granted up to two minutes each. Members of the public will not be allowed to yield or donate time to other speakers. The Public Comment portion of the meeting will not exceed sixty (60) minutes   Not available Not available
25-0070 1  CM Action Item - Open & Responsible GovernmentReview and approve the FY2025 Final Adopted Budget and FY2025 Budget Resolution. (APPROVED)   Not available Not available
25-0071 1  CM Action Item - Open & Responsible GovernmentPresentation of the Fulton County Operational Report. (PRESENTED)   Not available Not available
24-0891 1  CM Action Item - Open & Responsible GovernmentRequest approval to renew an existing contract - Department of External Affairs, 23RFP139170A-CJC, Communications and Engagement Services, in an amount not to exceed $407,875.00 with Ava TopRight, LLC, for strategic communications planning and support for Fulton County Government. This action exercises the first of three renewal options. Two renewal options remain. Effective January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2025. (APPROVED)   Not available Not available
24-0899 1  CM Action Item - Open & Responsible GovernmentRequest approval of a statewide contract - Registration & Elections, SWC# 99999-SPD-ES40199376IS-02, In-State Car Rental in the amount not to exceed $494,000.00 with Enterprise Leasing of Georgia, LLC (Atlanta, GA) for the rental of box trucks, passenger vehicles and cargo vans for the Public Service Commission Primary/Municipal Primary and Runoff Elections; and the Public Service Commission General/Municipal General Election. Effective January 1, 2025, through September 8, 2025. (MOTION TO APPROVE FAILED ON 12/18/24) (APPROVED)   Not available Not available
25-0072 1  CM Action Item - Open & Responsible GovernmentRequest approval of a statewide contract - Department of Real Estate and Asset Management, SWC #99999-001-SPD0000154-0001, Facility Maintenance Solution an amount not to exceed $1,213,795.02 with CGL Facility Management, LLC (Fayetteville, GA) to retain the contractor to perform State of Georgia requested capital improvement projects (CIP) funded through the State of Georgia’s capital reserve established through their leases at 5710 Stonewall Tell Rd, 515 Fairburn Rd, and 1249 Donald Lee Hollowell Pkwy. Effective upon BOC approval. (APPROVED)   Not available Not available
25-0073 1  CM Action Item - Open & Responsible GovernmentRequest approval to amend an existing contract - Department of Real Estate and Asset Management, 22ITB121622K-DJ, Industrial Racking for the Fulton County Central Warehouse, in an amount not to exceed $260,000.00 with McGee Storage & Handling (Norcross, GA), to continue providing services that support the most functional and cost-effective solution of equipment and related components that facilitate a multi-business functional workplace environment for the selected County Agencies at the Fulton County Central Warehouse and to extend the contract through December 31, 2025 to complete the work. Effective upon BOC approval. (APPROVED)   Not available Not available
25-0074 1  CM Action Item - Open & Responsible GovernmentRequest approval of a recommended proposal - Finance Department, 24RFP1336388C-MH, Professional Property & Casualty Broker Services in an amount not to exceed $94,500.00 with Edgewood Partners Insurance Center (EPIC), (Duluth, GA) to provide professional Property & Casualty brokerage services effective upon BOC approval through December 31, 2025, with two renewal options. (APPROVED)   Not available Not available
25-0075 1  CM Action Item - Open & Responsible GovernmentRequest approval of a recommended proposal - Finance Department, 24RFP1337774C-MH, Financial Advisory Services in an amount not to exceed $217,000.00 with Raymond James LLC (Atlanta, GA) to provide financial advisory services upon execution of contract through December 31, 2025, with two renewal options. (APPROVED)   Not available Not available
25-0076 1  CM Action Item - Open & Responsible GovernmentRequest ratification of an Application and Agreement for Insurance Coverage; approval of a Resolution authorizing membership in the Association County Commissioners of Georgia -Interlocal Risk Management (ACCG-IRMA) Agency and participation in the ACCG-IRMA First Responder PTSD Fund; and execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement with ACCG-IRMA to effectuate such participation. (APPROVED AS AMENDED)   Not available Not available
25-0077 1  CM Action Item - Health and Human ServicesRequest approval of the lowest responsible bidder - Department of Public Works, 24ITB1335637A-JWT Sanitary Sewer Easement Maintenance in an amount not to exceed $382,764.50 with Mariani Enterprises, LLC dba Ed Castro Landscape, Inc., (Roswell, GA) to provide easement maintenance in both the North and South Fulton service areas. Effective upon BOC approval through December 31, 2025, with two renewal options. (APPROVED)   Not available Not available
25-0078 1  CM Action Item - Infrastructure and Economic DevelopmentRequest approval of a contract - Public Works Department, FAA Contract #693KA7-25-C-00003, Air Traffic Control Services - Night Coverage for the Fulton County Executive Airport at Brown Field with CI2 Aviation, Inc. (Dunwoody, GA) in an amount not to exceed $323,584.00 to provide annual air traffic control night coverage services (M-F 10:00 pm to 6:00 am and Sa-Su 10:00 pm to 7:00 am) at the Fulton County Executive Airport. The County Attorney is authorized to approve the contract as to form and shall make such modifications as are necessary prior to execution. Effective February 1, 2025 for fourteen months with six, one (1) year renewal options. Funded from Airport funds. (APPROVED)   Not available Not available
25-0079 1  Commissioners Action ItemRequest approval of a Resolution to provide the financial resources necessary to comply with the Consent Decree. (Arrington) (WITHDRAWN) ITEM WITHDRAWN AS REQUESTED BY COMMISSIONER ARRINGTON   Not available Not available
25-0080 1  Commissioners Action ItemBOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE FULTON COUNTY EMPLOYEES’ RETIREMENT SYSTEM (APPROVED) Trustee position #1 is the Chairman or designee. Trustee positions #2 and #3, members of the Fulton County Commission, shall be designated or elected at a regular January meeting for one (1) year or until their successors have been appointed and qualified. Trustee Positions #4 and #5 are members of the Board of Trustees by virtue of their County position; hence their terms expire when their positions with the County terminate. Trustee Positions #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, and #12 are held for four (4) years, after serving the initial staggered terms prescribed in the enabling Resolution. Term = 1 Year / 4 years Term below expired: 12/31/2024 Commissioner Khadijah Abdur-Rahman (Trustee Position #2) Chairman Pitts nominated Commissioner Abdur-Rahman for a Full Board reappointment to a term ending December 31, 2025.   Not available Not available
25-0081 1  Commissioners' Full Board AppointmentsBOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE FULTON COUNTY EMPLOYEES’ RETIREMENT SYSTEM (APPROVED) Term = 1 Year / 4 years Term below expired: 12/31/2024 Commissioner Dana Barrett (Trustee Position #1) Chairman Pitts nominated Commissioner Barrett for a Full Board reappointment to a term ending December 31, 2025.   Not available Not available
25-0082 1  Consent - Board of CommissionersBOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE FULTON COUNTY EMPLOYEES’ RETIREMENT SYSTEM (APPROVED) Term = 1 Year / 4 years Term below expired: 12/31/2024 Vice-Chairman Bob Ellis (Trustee Position #3) Chairman Pitts nominated Vice-Chairman Bob Ellis for a Full Board reappointment to a term ending December 31, 2025.   Not available Not available
25-0083 1  Consent - Board of CommissionersBOARD OF ETHICS (APPROVED) Each member selected after the initial terms of office have expired shall serve a term of three (3) years or until the termination of his or her membership in the organization from which he or she was selected. The chair shall serve as chair for the remainder of the calendar year and until a successor is chosen. (See Fulton County Code of Laws, Section 2-80). Term = 3 years Term below expires: 2/12/2025 Louis Levenson (Pitts/BOC) Chairman Pitts nominated Louis Levenson for a Full Board reappointment to a term ending February 12, 2028.   Not available Not available
25-0084 1  Consent - Board of CommissionersMETROPOLITAN ATLANTA RAPID TRANSIT AUTHORITY (MARTA) (APPROVED) All appointments shall be for terms of four (4) years except that a vacancy caused otherwise than by expiration of term shall be filled for the unexpired portion thereof by the appointing enity which made the original appointment to the vacant position, or its successor in office. A member of the board may be appointed to succeed himself or herself for one four-year term; provided, however, that the board membership prior to January 1, 2017, shall not be considered in calculating limits on length of service. Appointments to fill expiring terms shall be made by the appointing entity prior to the expiration of the term, but such appointments shall not be made more than 30 days prior to the expiration of the term. Members appointed to the board shall serve for the terms of office specified in this Code section and until their respective successors are appointed and qualified. Term = 4 years Chairman Pitts nominated Elizabeth Bolton Harris for a Full Board appointment to a term ending December 31, 2028.   Not available Not available
25-0085 1  CM Presentation - Open & Responsible GovernmentPresentation: 2025 State Legislative Session Update. (PRESENTED)   Not available Not available
25-0086 1  Executive SessionExecutive (CLOSED) Sessions regarding litigation (County Attorney), real estate (County Manager), and personnel (Pitts). (APPROVED) PRESENT IN THE EXECUTIVE SESSION REGARDING LITIGATION, REAL ESTATE, AND PERSONNEL: Chairman Pitts, Vice-Chairman Ellis, Commissioners: Thorne, Barrett, Ivory, Arrington, and Abdur-Rahman; County Manager Dick Anderson; County Attorney Y. Soo Jo; and Clerk to the Commission Tonya R. Grier.   Not available Not available