Public Works
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Presentation and request approval of the Fulton County Executive Airport - Charlie Brown Field Master Plan Report and Airport Layout Plan. (PRESENTED/APPROVED)
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In 2019; the Fulton County Executive Airport presented to the BOC the Airport Visioning Plan. This plan paved the way for the Airport Master Plan Update. The Fulton County Executive Airport has completed its draft of the Airport Master Plan and Airport Layout Plan. These documents conceptualize the improvements planned at the Fulton County Executive Airport over the next twenty years.
Scope of Work: In 2019, the Fulton County Executive Airport (FTY) conducted a visioning study to identify the needs at the airport. Examples of the improvements include Runway Safety Area (RSA) improvements, taxiway enhancements, and other facility structures to support the business operating in and around the airport property. This study identified the need for an updated Airport Master Plan and Airport Layout Plan (ALP). In 2020, the Fulton County Executive Airport contracted Michael Baker International to conduct and Airport Master Plan Update for Federal Aviation Administration approval. During this update, Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) requested that the Airport conduct a Runway Length Justification Report as part of the Master Plan. During the development of the Master Plan, specific RSA improvements were identified within this Master Plan Update. The Airport identifies mu...
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